Virgil Ichim is stepping down from his role as CEO of Allianz-Țiriac Private Pensions, effective April 30, 2024


Virgil Ichim is stepping down from his role as CEO of Allianz-Țiriac Private Pensions, effective April 30, 2024

Virgil Ichim, CEO of Allianz-Țiriac Private Pensions, is stepping down from his role effective April 30, 2024.

Virgil has been leading the pension fund’s operations since 2019, and prior to that, he held various leadership roles overseeing teams and strategic initiatives within Allianz-Țiriac Insurance for over 20 years.

Allianz-Țiriac Private Pensions has grown to nearly 1.7 million participants and 28.3 billion lei in net assets (as of the end of March 2024), more than two and a half times the level of five years ago, with an annualized return of 7.13% over the past 5 years.

„After 5 years at the helm of Allianz-Țiriac Private Pensions and another 20 years within the Allianz-Țiriac group, I have decided to pursue other professional opportunities and challenges. I am pleased to have contributed to the development of insurance and private pension businesses, especially as I leave behind a strong and responsible team that will continue to develop future projects with the same professionalism”, said Virgil Ichim.

„Virgil has made significant contributions to the company and is an accomplished professional on whom I could always rely whenever needed. We are grateful for his dedication and effort over all these years, and we wish him every success in all his future endeavors”, said Virgil Șoncutean, Chairman of the Board of Allianz-Țiriac Private Pensions.

Additionally, the Board of Directors will propose Marilena Bârliga for the role of CEO of Allianz-Țiriac Private Pensions. Marilena currently serves as Director of Market Management and Communication at Allianz-Țiriac Insurance. Marilena has over 20 years of management experience in top financial institutions. Over the past 6 years, she has been responsible, alongside the members of the Board of Allianz-Țiriac Insurance, for market strategy, customer experience, digitalization projects, insurance product governance, and business plans for the company’s market strategy.
Her appointment as CEO of Allianz-Țiriac Private Pensions will be made upon receiving the authorization from the Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF).

About Allianz-Țiriac Private Pensions

Allianz-Țiriac Private Pensions manages net assets of over 28.3 billion lei (as of the end of March 2024) and has over 1.7 million participants in the private pension funds it administers.


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