Viking Romania relocates to new offices in Record Park building


Viking Romania relocates to new offices in Record Park building


Viking Shared Service Center Cluj is among the most important employers and significant pillars of support business services in Cluj-Napoca. Viking relocates to new offices in Record Park, which is a project developed by Speedwell and owned by AYA Properties Fund.

Viking Romania belongs to Viking Europe. Its remarkable presence in the local market as one of the critical suppliers of professional office solutions dates back to 2008. Viking provides financial services and operational and technical support to all companies in this structure.

RAJA Group purchased Viking Europe 2 years ago. This led to initiating a series of positive transitions. RAJA is known as one of the most influential retailers in Europe for its distribution of packaging, industrial equipment and office solutions. More than this, the group has notably been on the market for almost 70 years. The establishment operates through 26 companies, essential components of the group, in 19 countries, serving over 2 million customers. The customer segmentation covers start-ups, multinational companies from all activity domains, such as distribution, industry, electronic commerce, services and public administration.

”Viking Romania needed a new home, a place that corresponds to the current quality standards and the transition to hybrid working solutions, as well as our desire to offer our employees an enhanced working experience. We found the ideal location, a modern ecosystem, right in the heart of Cluj. The Record Park complex with its latest generation building and amenities is easily accessible, and it matches our vision perfectly. We are thus embarking on our latest journey, one which I am sure will lead us to many professional accomplishments. I am delighted we found this awesome new home for the Viking SSC.”, stated Adrian Fogaș, Managing Director of Viking Shared Service Center SRL Romania.

„We are delighted to see that Record Park, our first urban regeneration project in Cluj-Napoca, has transformed into a dynamic space that adapts to the ever-changing needs of our clients. Today, Record Park is more than an office space, it is a vibrant hub where the business community comes together and collaborates within an innovative framework promoting communication and synergy among teams while encouraging a flexible and dynamic way of working. The large number of tenants, together with the diversity of companies that have chosen to set up their offices in the Record Park building, reflects our ability to create spaces that meet the different needs of the business environment and reiterates our quality and long-standing commitment to ensure a conducive environment for our tenants and their employees. We are proud to see how the entire community thrives and grows in a modern and safe environment. On this way, we welcome the new tenants and express our gratitude to all those involved in this journey, who contribute to the success of our project in Cluj-Napoca.”, says Didier Balcaen, CEO and Co-Founder of SPEEDWELL.

”Record Park proves again its attributes, by going beyond the brick and mortar of an office park, and by creating a community that integrates new occupiers while responding well to the office occupancy challenges.”, said Andreea Paun from Griffes, the consultant that managed the leasing of Record Park since the launch.

Record Park is the first development and urban regeneration project of mixed-use type from Cluj-Napoca, offering 15.000 sqm of office spaces and 236 apartments. There are also multiple facilities for spending one’s spare time, too, and services such as Mega Image, Bruto bistro and a kindergarden.

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