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€400,000 investment in dental technology: Dental Elite expands with fourth clinic at AFI Park, Bucharest


€400,000 investment in dental technology: Dental Elite expands with fourth clinic at AFI Park, Bucharest


Dental Elite, a leading provider of complete dental care in Bucharest and Brașov, announces the opening of its fourth clinic, located at AFI Park 4-5, near AFI Cotroceni Mall. With a total investment of €500,000, including €400,000 allocated to advanced dental technology, Dental Elite underscores the critical role innovation and digitalization play in delivering top-tier dental solutions.

Dental Elite AFI Park: 4 modern treatment rooms, plus a radiology and dental tomography center, covering 210 square meters.

The new Dental Elite clinic spans 210 square meters and features 4 state-of-the-art treatment rooms and a dedicated radiology and tomography center. The clinic offers a full range of dental services, including implantology, prosthetics, aesthetic dentistry, orthodontics, endodontics, and pediatric dentistry. Patients will benefit from modern facilities, including two reception areas, relaxation zones, and a children’s play area. Additionally, the clinic’s separate access to radiology services ensures streamlined patient flow and reduced wait times.

The significant investment in the latest dental equipment allows Dental Elite to offer patients the most advanced diagnostic and treatment technologies. From digital radiology and dental tomography to complex implantology and orthodontic solutions, the clinic merges cutting-edge technology with the expertise of a multidisciplinary team of specialists.

„State-of-the-art technology is the cornerstone of our dental services. Investing in advanced equipment is not just a benefit for patients, but a necessity to ensure the most efficient and precise treatments available today. We want our patients to enjoy premium services in a welcoming environment, backed by correct medical protocols and the expertise of our multidisciplinary teams,” said Bogdan Ciucu, co-founder of Dental Elite.

Bogdan Ciucu, co-founder of Dental Elite.

Dental Elite expects the AFI Park clinic to generate over half a million euros in revenue in its first year.

Founded as a family business in Brașov, Dental Elite now boasts over €3 million in total investments.

Dental Elite began in 2018 with a four-chair dental clinic in Brașov and has since grown to a total of 28 treatment rooms across its four multidisciplinary clinics in Brașov and Bucharest. The group has invested over €3.5 million to date, making it a significant player in Romania’s dental sector. Over the past six years, Dental Elite has treated more than 23,000 patients, with implantology, Fast & Fixed (complete dental restorations in 24 hours), prosthetics, and orthodontics among the most requested services.

The Dental Elite group closed 2023 with a turnover of €3.9 million, a 30% increase compared to the previous year, and anticipates revenues of €4.75-5 million for 2024 and over €6 million by 2025. Across its four clinics, Dental Elite now features 28 chairs and a team of over 100 members, including more than 40 dentists.

Strategic expansion and long-term vision.

The AFI Park clinic is part of Dental Elite’s strategic expansion plan, which includes opening two additional clinics over the next year.

„The Romanian dental services market, including radiology, dental tomography, and dental lab services, has exceeded €1 billion and grew by over 18% in 2023. However, it remains highly fragmented. In this context, we are focused on sustainable growth, prioritizing the consistent delivery of high-quality care. We have the capacity to open at least two more clinics next year, financed from our own resources, but our growth is measured, focused on steady, healthy progress, just as it has been so far,” Bogdan Ciucu concluded.

About Dental Elite

Dental Elite is a premium dental clinic chain offering comprehensive and minimally invasive dental treatments, including advanced implantology, prosthetics, orthodontics, and general dentistry, in Brașov and Bucharest. Founded in 2018, Dental Elite combines the expertise of two generations of dentists with cutting-edge technology and a multidisciplinary team to deliver precise medical care.

Over the past six years, Dental Elite has treated more than 23,000 patients, with the support of over 40 specialists, trained both nationally and internationally. Beyond the goal of improving the oral health and smiles of both adult and pediatric patients, Dental Elite strives to create a welcoming and empathetic medical environment, with an emphasis on the doctor-patient relationship and ensuring the ultimate comfort for all visitors.

The elite dental care provided by Dental Elite is available across all four of its clinics located in:

  • Bucharest – Dorobanți: Str. Sergent Gheorghe Anghel, nr. 4, sector 1
  • Bucharest – AFI Park 4-5: Bd. Timișoara, nr. 4A, sector 6
  • Brașov – Centrul Civic: Str. Mihai Viteazul, nr. 22
  • Brașov – Coresi: Str. Camil Petrescu, nr. 2

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