Chimcomplex Announces the new Board of Directors structure


Chimcomplex Announces the new Board of Directors structure

Chimcomplex, a leader in the chemical industry in Romania, continues to adapt its organization to better respond to the rapidly evolving industry. In this context, the company announces the new structure of its Board of Directors, elected at the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders on July 31, reducing the number of members from 7 to 5 to streamline the decision-making process.

The new composition of the Board includes four independent members. Three of them, Liviu Cojoc, Madeline Alexander, and Gabriel Tischer, have worked together with Ștefan Vuza on the Chimcomplex Board for at least two years, providing continuity and stability in the company’s governance.

“The composition of the Board reflects our commitment to creating governance that is adapted to Chimcomplex’s strategic challenges and opportunities. This team will ensure result-oriented leadership for the benefit of all stakeholders. I thank each member who has left the Board for their dedication and valuable contributions,” stated Ștefan Vuza, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Chimcomplex.

Board of Directors Members Elected for a New Term:

Liviu Cojoc, an entrepreneur with over 30 years of experience in the market for chemical products for industry and agriculture. He is an associate of several agricultural companies in central Transylvania.

Madeline Alexander, a financial expert with over 30 years of international experience in auditing and financial consulting, including in the chemical industry. For the past 25 years, she has been a partner in Big 4 audit firms. Mrs. Alexander is accredited as a US GAAP and IFRS expert in the United States and Romania. She is a member of the Chamber of Financial Auditors of Romania (CAFR), ASPAAS, CECCAR, and a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) in the United States.

Gabriel Tischer, a graduate of the Faculty of Engineering at „Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu and holder of a master’s degree in industrial management, has led several companies in the fields of commerce, construction, services, and finance throughout his professional career. He has also served as the chairman of the board of directors for various industrial companies and the Sibiu International Airport.

Cosmin Șoaită, an entrepreneur with international experience in strategic management, internal audit, procurement, and structured finance. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris, France, and is an associate lecturer at Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu. Mr. Șoaită now joins the Board, bringing extensive business expertise.

About Chimcomplex

Chimcomplex is the main manufacturer and supplier of vital chemicals in the region, specializing in polyols, chlor alkali and oxo-alcohols. It is a strategic company for the Romanian economy, the largest chemical plant, with 2 industrial platforms in Onești and Râmnicu Vâlcea. Chimcomplex is a company with a tradition of almost 70 years, which develops quality products for a better life and a sustainable future. In 2023 Chimcomplex registered a turnover of 1.339 million lei.


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