Energy transition: between green objectives and economic competitiveness


Energy transition: between green objectives and economic competitiveness

Hosting the Fifth Ministerial of the Partnership for Transatlantic Energy and Climate Cooperation this year, Romania brings together relevant actors – business communities and policy decision-makers. In this context, we are convinced that the most important two concepts of the current challenging times, security – on the one hand, and energy – on the other, will merge into a single one, the energy security, as main strategic objective of the discussions.

In the opening of the Ministerial P-TECC, I was honored to deliver the message of the President of Romania addressed to our distinguished guests, officials and energy sector representatives from our countries.

The presidential message highlighted the urgency and complexity of the current challenges: the destruction caused by attacks on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure, the critical need for climate action, and the industrial transformations that will define the coming decades. In this context, Romania reaffirms its leadership and strong support for strategic energy collaboration, actively contributing to energy diversification, energy cybersecurity, decarbonization and economic resilience.

An essential message was dedicated to the special importance of the economic competitiveness, emphasizing that progress cannot exist without a robust market economy, fair competition, and innovative entrepreneurship. Romania, with its ambitions in nuclear energy and natural gas offshore projects, positions itself as a pillar of energy security in Central and Southeastern Europe.

“Dear Secretary Granholm,
Dear Ministers, members of the delegations,
Distinguished guests,

Welcome to Bucharest, at the Fifth Ministerial of the Partnership for Transatlantic Energy and Climate Cooperation. It is a pleasure to send my message to you in the context of the P-TECC reunion. I congratulate you for your important work in a field that continues to be crucial to the security and prosperity of Europe and Euro-Atlantic area.

In these challenging times, building secure and resilient energy systems has never been more important, as we see the destruction caused by Russia’s attacks against Ukraine’s energy and civil infrastructure, but also regarding the critical urgency of climate action.

In this complex energy landscape, P-TECC has evolved into a partnership that proves the value-added role of Trans-Atlantic ties in devising solutions for energy diversification, energy cybersecurity, decarbonization, and economic resilience.

Romania remains a strong advocate for coordinating strategic energy issues, both regionally and across the Trans-Atlantic area. Last year, I hosted the Three Seas Initiative Summit, where we focused on improving North South strategic connections, both in terms of transport infrastructure and energy connectivity.

Ladies and gentlemen,

My message today is about change, competitiveness, and the need for a performing economy. It is obvious that progress cannot exist without market economy, fair competition and business entrepreneurship. This is what we aim to do for Romania, also in the energy field and regarding the green transition.

Energy has become a pathway to a better future, a cradle for innovation, and, based on recent years’ legacy, a call for independence and solidarity.

It is obvious that energy security and national security are inseparable. Within the last years, the energy was used by Russia as a weapon to put pressure on EU states that support Ukraine. I am proud of our response to these threats. The energy crisis was a tough test, but EU demonstrated resilience in the face of adversity. Europe embraced humanity, and this is the foundation upon which we can build a shared future.

The next decades will bring the greatest industrial transformation of our times. This creates huge opportunities for like-minded partners around the world to join forces even more to invest in state-of-the-art infrastructure regarding clean energy, transport corridors and digital connections that people can trust.

The energy transition is currently a key factor for a sustainable economy. However, once the direction is set, the speed becomes the fine-tuning instrument to preserve and extend the economic competitiveness of our countries in the global context.

The EU is facing now competitiveness challenges, in acting as a relevant performer on the global market. In this regard, the greenest is not necessarily the strongest, and I believe this is the essential task for public policy decisions: to find the best approach for an optimal balance between green objectives and economic competitiveness.

Dear guests,

Romania has many valuable opportunities, and the energy sector has a great potential: Romania is the third most energy independent country in the EU, and that is why we can become a real provider of energy security in Central and Southeastern Europe.

During recent years, Romania has shown solidarity by providing transit and energy support to Ukraine and Moldova. The reconstruction of Ukraine and the EU accession of Moldova require resilient transportation and sustainable energy infrastructures.

Having one of the lowest greenhouse gas emissions per capita in the EU, Romania supports the agreed measures meant to achieve the international and EU targets concerning reducing carbon emissions, at the same time, advocating on the importance of natural gas and safe nuclear facilities for an efficient energy transition.

In this context, I reaffirm Romania’s ambition to develop its own nuclear energy program, through enhancing the capacity of our Cernavodă nuclear power plant, but also by exploring innovative solutions, such as the Small Modular Reactors technology. Based on a decades-long experience in nuclear energy, operating Western technologies, and working closely with the United States and other like-minded partners, Romania is ready to play its part in terms of safe nuclear energy deployment and operations.

Also, through the natural gas offshore projects of Romania, the Black Sea region becomes a real “round table” of energy diplomacy, a landmark of unity and cooperation, promoting stability and prosperity on the long run.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Today’s reunion is an inspired example of connecting public policies from our countries. I believe that the best way to favor successful change and new project opportunities is to bring business communities and policy decision-makers under the same roof.

I am convinced that discussions and decisions made here will pave the way for innovative solutions in the industrial policy field, to enhance the energy security, to promote economic growth, and drive the green transition forward.

I am certain that P-TECC will continue the great work done so far, striving for solidarity among European countries and close cooperation with the United States of America.

Wishing you all continued success in your endeavors, I hope that you will face the future with confidence, understanding that big changes need ambitious vision and strong determination.

Thank you and have a productive meeting!”

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