Ceremony for the Inauguration of the Works at the Tritium Removal Facility in Cernavoda Nuclear Power Plant


Ceremony for the Inauguration of the Works at the Tritium Removal Facility in Cernavoda Nuclear Power Plant


The National Company Nuclearelectrica SA and Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power (KHNP) announce the start of works on the first tritium removal facility in Europe, located at the Cernavoda Nuclear Power Plant. This initiative marks a significant step forward in nuclear technology and environmental protection, in line with the European Union’s sustainability objectives.

The tritium removal facility will remove tritium from the plant, leading to increased environmental protection, fully in line with Nuclearelectrica’s and Europe’s ESG objectives. Using an innovative Romanian technology, developed by the National Research and Development Institute for Cryogenic and Isotope Technologies – ICSI Rm. Vâlcea, the Cernavoda Detritiation Facility (CTRF) will be the third largest in the world and the first in Europe and will offer Romania the opportunity to become a European centre for the production and export of tritium – the candidate fuel for future fusion reactors. Romania also has the opportunity to develop its supply chain and become a centre for the development and export of Romanian technology and know-how, using local plants and workforce.

The CTRF project, carried out by ICSI Rm. Vâlcea, uses the most advanced technology, CTRF including updated nuclear safety requirements for an industrial tritium removal facility, as set by the Romanian National Commission for the Control of Nuclear Activities (CNCAN).

We are pleased to implement an innovative Romanian technology together with KHNP, a leading nuclear expert, to achieve a safe and reliable project. The tritium removal facility demonstrates Nuclearelectrica’s commitment to safe operations and environmental protection. This project underlines Romania’s leading role in the nuclear industry and contributes to national energy security,” said Cosmin Ghiță, CEO of Nuclearelectrica.

The groundbreaking ceremony of the CTRF is a very important milestone which signifies the execution of the project in earnest. KHNP, in collaboration with Nuclearelectrica, will successfully complete the CTRF. The facility will enhance environmental protection, while contributing to safe operation of the Cernavoda NPP and economic growth of the country as well. Going forward, I expect the nuclear industries between Romania and South Korea will have closer and stronger collaboration”, said Jooho Whang, CEO of Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power (KHNP).

The inauguration ceremony took place at the Cernavoda NPP site, with the participation of Nuclearelectrica and KHNP teams, together with collaborators from the National Research and Development Institute for Cryogenic and Isotope Technologies – ICSI Rm. Vâlcea.

About Nuclearelectrica

The national company “Nuclearelectrica” S.A. is the Romanian national electricity, heat and nuclear fuel company operating under the authority of the Ministry of Energy, with the Romanian state holding 82.49 per cent of the shares and the other shareholders 17.50 per cent, after the company’s listing on the stock exchange in 2013.

The Cernavodă CNE (CNE) branch operates two CANDU nuclear units, which are two of the most efficient units among more than 400 nuclear power plants in the world, a nuclear fuel plant and has achieved integrated fuel cycle through the acquisition of a uranium concentrate processing line to support the company’s long-term investment projects.

Nuclearelectrica plays a major role at national level, contributing more than 20 per cent of nuclear energy to total energy production and 33 per cent of total CO2-free energy production in Romania.


About KHNP

KHNP (Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co., Ltd.), the largest electric company in the Republic of Korea, generates 29.6% of the nation’s domestic electricity. With a portfolio comprising 25 nuclear power plants, 21 hydro power plants, 16 small hydro power plants, 16 pumped storage power plants, 55 solar power plants, and 1 wind power plant, KHNP is committed to providing carbon-free energy solutions. Ongoing projects include the construction of three new nuclear power plant units in Korea and various international projects, such as the Barakah nuclear power project in the UAE and the El Dabaa nuclear power plant in Egypt. KHNP, a nuclear and renewal energy company, prioritizes safety, reliability, and environmental sustainability, ensuring a brighter future through innovation and collaboration in the energy sector.





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