tbi bank is recognized among the Global Most Loved Workplaces


tbi bank is recognized among the Global Most Loved Workplaces

tbi bank was included in the prestigious TOP 100 Global Most Loved Workplaces® list, published in Newsweek magazine in collaboration with the Best Practice Institute (BPI), a leading leadership development and benchmark research company based in the USA.

This recognition comes after in 2023, tbi was also ranked as the best bank to work for in Bulgaria and in the top 5 among all companies in the country by the independent voting on the platform Kaderabotim.bg, highlighting its commitment to employee satisfaction and excellence.

“We are honored to be recognized as one of the Top 100 Global Most Loved Workplaces. At tbi, we embrace innovation and are not afraid to experiment and learn from our mistakes. Our team’s passion and dedication drive us to constantly improve and support each other. We believe in making a positive impact with every step and treating everyone with respect. This recognition truly reflects our commitment to creating a supportive and inclusive workplace”, said Petr Baron, CEO, tbi fs.

“As workplaces continue to shift, it’s clearer than ever that fostering collaboration, embracing a positive outlook, and aligning values are essential. The companies celebrated on the 2024 Global Most Loved Workplaces® list truly embody these principles. They show us that by championing respect and team-oriented outcomes, they’re not just building great workplaces, they’re shaping a brighter future for all” – Nancy Cooper, Global Editor in Chief of Newsweek.

To measure employee sentiment, BPI examines how effectively teams collaborate, and the optimism employees have about their future with the company. They also look at how closely the values of the employer align with those of the employees and whether there is a culture of respect at all levels of the organization. Furthermore, they assess opportunities for career growth and achievement.


To identify the top 100 companies ranked in this Newsweek publication, companies were evaluated and scored as follows: 50 percent of the initial score was based on direct employee responses to BPI’s proprietary Love of Workplace Index® assessment. Another 15 percent was derived from analysis of external public ratings from sites such as Comparably, Careerbliss, Glassdoor, Indeed, and Google. The final 35 percent came from BPI’s direct interviews and written responses from company officials. Newsweek then researched every company on the list to determine the final list of 100 companies and their rankings.


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