Export Credit Greece and Exim Banca Romaneasca – New cooperation fostering trade and investments between Romania and Greece


Export Credit Greece and Exim Banca Romaneasca – New cooperation fostering trade and investments between Romania and Greece


Exim Banca Romaneasca export credit agency and Export Credit Greece signed an MoU on the sidelines of the Prague Club Biennial Meeting of the Berne Union, which is held for the first time in Athens, May 21-23, organized by Export Credit Greece.

As part of the cooperation, the two organizations agreed to develop a common cooperation framework in order to facilitate and promote trade and investment between Romania and Greece, as well as to strengthen economic relations between them, especially in the fields of insurance, reinsurance services, co-insurance for exports of goods, investments as well as services to provide assistance and support to insured persons.

”We are convinced that by signing this agreement we will benefit from an efficient framework for the Romanian and Greek companies that intend to develop their businesses under safe, predictable conditions. Exim Banca Romaneasca – the Romanian export credit agency and Export Credit Greece have extended portfolios of products and services for supporting exports and investments abroad enabling the efficient use of the respective portfolios in the name of and on account of our states to support the export Romanian and Greek projects on third party markets, under correct competitive conditions.”, underlined Traian Halalai, Executive President of Exim Banca Romaneasca.

The CEO of Export Credit Greece, Grigoris Stamatopoulos, said: „The heritage of Export Credit Greece is its network abroad. The more extensive it is, the greater range of services it can offer to Greek companies operating abroad. The new collaboration with Exim Banca Romaneasca gives us the opportunity to join forces and further develop products, services, and joint projects, from a new, more solid base. Each collaboration we carry out with similar organizations arms us further to the realization of our mission. We firmly believe that our new collaboration with Exim Banca Romaneasca will support our common goal: strengthening our bilateral economic relations and securing international trade”.

About Exim Banca Romaneasca

Exim Banca Romaneasca is a 100% Romanian universal bank, ranking among the top 10 largest credit institutions by assets. The bank provides a wide range of products and services tailored to the needs of its individual and corporate clients. Along with the components of a universal bank, Exim Banca Romaneasca continues to operate in the field of state guarantees and insurance, under the Romanian state mandate.

About Export Credit Greece

The Hellenic Export Credit Company S.A. – Export Credit Greece S.A. is the state Export Credit Organization. Its mission is to support Greek businesses that carry out international transactions or investments, providing the Greek exporter with: credit insurance, guarantees, financing. The aim of ECG is to support the activity of Greek exports beyond the Greek borders, so that they can operate safely and stably. It offers financial tools for the development of the export activities of Greek companies while strengthening the internationalization of the Greek economy.


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