International HOF Awards – for the first time in Romania at CEDER conference


International HOF Awards – for the first time in Romania at CEDER conference


CIJ EUROPE, the organizer of the annual CEDER Conference & Exhibition – one of the biggest real estate conferences in Romania – launches the first edition of International HOF Awards.

This year’s 17th CEDER conference & exhibition will approach new topics, speakers, attendees and an all-new exhibition presenting the Romanian market products and services and brings together big companies such as Globalworth, Nusco Imobiliara, AFI Europe Romania, Vastint, North Bucharest Investments, Ceresit, Carbon Tool by Build Green, WIREN, Energy Pal, Avitech, Alumil or Alukonigstahl will join this year CEDER exhibition, with dedicated booths, held on May 27 at Nord Events Center, Bucharest.

But the newest element at this year CEDER Conference & Exhibition is the HOF Awards Gala – the Best of the Best Hall of Fame Awards, and represents the climax of the CIJ Awards series, putting the winning projects and companies from around Central & Eastern Europe against each other to determine who the Best of the Best really are. The HOF Awards will take place in the afternoon during CEDER Conference and Exhibition. This year’s event features winning entries from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia. In the event’s innovative and transparent voting system, a select group of real estate leaders from the region’s vote as a jury in combination with votes from selection CIJ readers from around the regions.

“We are so honored that this year we have such an extended and full of top real estate leaders from countries such as Romania, Slovakia, Poland Hungary and Czech Republic, representing the most important players in their industries”, said Robert Fletcher, CEO & Editor-in-Chief of CIJ EUROPE. 

Robert Fletcher, CEO & Editor-in-Chief of CIJ EUROPE.

Big real estate voices in the conference panels

2024 CEDER edition holds together 4 relevant panels: Future of Offices – ESG Data; Residential Investment & Build To Rent; The Future of Development; Primary and Secondary Markets – debated by top real estate professionals.

“Romanian real estate market develops yearly with such dynamics that lead to important shifts, and takes the profile events to the level of its maturity, and this edition of our event shows exactly this, as gathers a conference, an exhibition and an awards gala, covering not just Romania, but the Central and East Europe”, Monalisa Carbunaru explains, the Sales & Events Manager of CIJ Romania.

CEDER 2024 conference gathers together an networking space with real estate voices from Globalworth, Hagag Development EuropeCPI Property Group, AFI Europe, CBRE, WIREN, BMF Grup, Lion’s Head, Paval Holding, IULIUS, Anchor Grup, Filip & Company, IO Partners, AVITECH, Nusco Imobiliara, RENOMIA GallagherNNDKPREC immpuls/Hotspot, Genesis Property, North Bucharest Investments, Popovici, Nitu, Stoica & Asociatii, Stratulat Albulescu Attorney at Law, VASTINT, Carbon Tool, Alesonor,  CeresitSpeedwell, Redport CapitalPAB Group, Theta Furniture & More, Reynaers Aluminium, Optim Project Management, Brisk Group, EnergyPal, Alumil, Omifa, Campulung Industrial Park, Mindspace,  Serban & Musneci Associates, ALUKÖNIGSTAHL, Marazzi, Bog’Art, NHOOD, Biris Goran, Cordia Romania, WeMat Global, Fortim Trusted Advisors.

Discover the entire conference here:


For almost 30 years, CIJ EUROPE has been reporting on new projects, properties, transactions and development initiatives, while also providing commentaries and detailed analyses of the market, statistics and information on the latest trends in Europe, Central and Eastern Europe and in the international real estate development community. It presents interviews with the people who shape the industry, influential politicians, and key officials who decide on planning and public tenders. It is an important and reliable source of information about the development, property and construction industry in CEE, SEE and Europe.


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