2024 China Film Week in Romania kicks off in Bucharest


2024 China Film Week in Romania kicks off in Bucharest


The 2024 Chinese Film Week in Romania kicked off on Wednesday at the Hollywood Multiplex Cinema Hall of Bucharest Mall, as part of a series of cultural events in celebration of the 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Romania.

Chinese Ambassador to Romania, HAN Chunlin, addressed the opening and emphasized the significance of film in fostering friendship and cultural understanding between the two nations. He expressed hope that Romanian audiences would gain insights into China’s history and culture through the films, bringing the hearts of two peoples closer.

Irina Cajal, Undersecretary of State of the Ministry of Culture, applauded the growing cultural cooperation between Romania and China. She noted that recent joint projects have enhanced mutual appreciation and strengthened the bilateral relations.

MA Jia, Vice President of China Movie Channel, and Dan Krizbai, Deputy Director of Romanian National Film Archives, expressed their expectations for the the positive prospects for future collaborations in the film industry. They believe that the film week would further strengthen industry ties and lay a foundation for more cooperative projects.

2024 China Film Week features five films of different styles. Besides the opening film, the fantasy film Creation of the Gods, the other four films will be screened at China Cultural Center at 34 Batistei Street in the next few days, including criminal investigation story Endless Journey, animated historical film Chang’an, action film Never say never, and suspense thriller Lost in the Stars. Audiences can register their attendance free of charge via facebook page of China Cultural Centre.

2024 China Film Week is hosted by China National Film Administration and the Chinese Embassy in Romania, and co-organized by China Movie Channel and China Cultural Center in Bucharest.


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