After a Six-Year Break, Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show Returns


After a Six-Year Break, Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show Returns

After almost six years, the highly anticipated yearly Victoria’s Secret fashion show, which showcases supermodels with angel wings and jewel-encrusted bras, is set to return this autumn, according to Reuters.

In an Instagram post on Wednesday, the lingerie company revealed the show’s return without giving a specific date and alluded to certain format changes.

Over the years, the show—which is well-known for its lavish display of intricate lingerie pieces valued at millions of dollars—has featured musical performances by Rihanna, Taylor Swift, and Justin Bieber in addition to appearances by some of the most well-known models in the world, including Adriana Lima, Bella Hadid, and Naomi Campbell.

„The Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show 2024 will deliver exactly what our customers have been asking for: ‘glitz, runway, fashion, fun, wings, entertainment,’ all from a powerful, modern perspective that reflects who we are today,” the business told Reuters.

The parent firm L Brands’ Victoria’s Secret brand announced the cancellation of the 2019 season, citing the need for „Victoria’s Secret marketing to evolve.”

L Brands was dealing with a number of problems at the time, including diminishing sales of its pricey lingerie products, pressure from investors, and growing criticism for the antiquated image of its lingerie line, which did not fit all body shapes.

L Brands divided into Bath & Body Works and Victoria’s Secret, two public brands, in 2021. Even after the company separated, sales of the lingerie retailer kept going down.

Victoria’s Secret debuted a documentary named „Victoria’s Secret World Tour” on Amazon Prime last year, following the cancellation of the show scheduled for November 2019.

The Plaza Hotel in New York hosted the inaugural Victoria’s Secret fashion show in 1995.


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