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AI Expo Europe, October 6-7, Radisson Blu; The largest AI conference in Central and Eastern Europe will take place in Bucharest!


AI Expo Europe, October 6-7, Radisson Blu; The largest AI conference in Central and Eastern Europe will take place in Bucharest!

AI Expo Europe is the event that will decipher the impact of Artificial Intelligence on the present, but especially on the future!
The largest interactive conference in Eastern and Central Europe will involve professionals, leaders and followers of innovation, „dreamers, thinkers&doers”, mentors and business people, in a unique event of this industry that is already changing the world!
Organized by the founders of Crypto Expo Europe in the heart of vibrant Bucharest, a true emerging hub for AI innovations, the event will be both a dynamic and comprehensive platform in the field of education, as well as an excellent networking opportunity and the development of new business opportunities.

Under the slogan „Transforming tomorrow, today”, the event will bring together under the same dome:
* industry leaders who will discuss cutting-edge applications and the future of artificial intelligence;
* interactive exhibitions that will present the latest services and practical innovations that AI brings;
* networking events in the VIP lounge with industry leaders and partners, as well as a gala ceremony.

Topics of discussion will be vast: from education to ecology, from the legal field to that of deep changes in society, from architecture and urbanism to art, but especially the impact on the jobs of the future and will provide possible answers to the big question: will AI steal our jobs?!
Organized by the founders of Crypto Expo Europe in the heart of vibrant Bucharest, a true emerging hub for AI innovations, the event will be both a dynamic and comprehensive platform in the field of education, as well as an excellent networking opportunity and the development of new business opportunities.

Under the slogan „Transforming tomorrow, today”, the event will bring together under the same dome:
* industry leaders who will discuss cutting-edge applications and the future of artificial intelligence;
* interactive exhibitions that will present the latest services and practical innovations that AI brings;
* networking events in the VIP lounge with industry leaders and partners, as well as a gala ceremony.

Topics of discussion will be vast: from education to ecology, from the legal field to that of deep changes in society, from architecture and urbanism to art, but especially the impact on the jobs of the future and will provide possible answers to the big question: will AI steal our jobs?!

“AI Expo Europe is as much about Artificial Intelligence right now as it is about where we’re headed! With a wide range of topics starting from the magic of AI and moving towards critical topics such as data security, the AI Expo Europe event will bring on the same stage dozens of experts from Europe and everyone in a project that proposes to decipher the future of the industry. Here people from all over the world will connect, find their inspiration and why not, a brilliant idea for a successful business of the future! Those who will attend the conference will be able to meet and connect with the top leaders of the industry, they will be able to participate in workshops, seminars or they will be able to reset their career”, says Ruxandra Tataru, co-founder and CEO of the event.
For more information, to buy tickets or promotional packages, click here:


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