There are more than 700 participants from throughout the globe at the Robotics Championship


There are more than 700 participants from throughout the globe at the Robotics Championship

The 12th Robotics Championship, which takes place at the Antonio Alexe Sports Hall in Oradea from May 9–11, is drawing more than 700 participants from around the globe, the Association for the Promotion of Tourism in Oradea and the Region announced on Wednesday.

The Association for Robotics and Mechatronics, the Faculty of Managerial and Technological Engineering, Visit Oradea, and the City Hall of Oradea collaborate to organize the Robotics Championship, which unites teams from Belarus, China, Colombia, Egypt, Greece, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, and Hungary.

„During the event, each participating team will compete with robots built and programmed by its members, in an international collaborative competition of enthusiasts. Currently, the Robotics Championship is the largest robotics event in the west of the country, ranking 4th as importance in Europe. Organizing this competition is aimed at establishing international collaborations between students and companies, in order to develop the new generation of engineers, programmers and designers. The events organized by the Robotics Championship team result in the development of students and pupils a significant advantage compared to conventional learning methods,” states the cited source.

This year’s winners will get large rewards in technological equipment in addition to professional and educational prospects for their future careers.

„The university is offering budgeted places and scholarships for future students who will win this competition. Students who manage to get 1st, 2nd or 3rd place results in any of the tests can benefit from a budgeted place to major in Robotics in English or Robotics in the Romanian language at the Faculty of Managerial and Technological Engineering at the University of Oradea. In addition to the opportunity to choose a career in engineering, the competition will have prizes worth thousands of euros in the form of equipment, apparatus and parts,” the organizers said.

Photo source: Facebook / Robotics Championship

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