The 72nd San Sebastian Film Festival will present Cate Blanchett with the Donostia Prize


The 72nd San Sebastian Film Festival will present Cate Blanchett with the Donostia Prize

At the 72nd San Sebastian International Film Festival, which will take place in this Spanish city from September 20 to 28, Australian actress Cate Blanchett will be presented with the Donostia Prize for her whole career, according to a report released by EFE on Thursday.

The San Sebastian Film Festival revealed at a press conference on Thursday the identity of the recipient of the festival’s most prestigious award. This year’s official poster, created by graphic designer José Luis Lanzagorta from a photograph by Gustavo Papaleo, features the festival’s winner.

The actress, who has won four Golden Globes, an honorary Goya award, and the Coppa Volpi award twice at the Venice International Film Festival, is an Australian. She will be making her festival debut at the San Sebastian Festival, though some of her films have already screened there, including „Babel,” directed by Alejandro González Iñárritu (2007), and „Veronica Guerin,” a film by Joel Schumacher that was a finalist for the top prize, the Golden Shell, in 2003.

Throughout her illustrious career, which has seen her collaborate with legendary filmmakers like Ridley Scott, David Fincher, Martin Scorsese, Steven Spielberg, Terrence Malick, Steven Soderbergh, and Woody Allen, Cate Blanchett has racked up over 200 accolades and awards.

Following Hugh Jackman’s 2013 triumph, this marks the second time an Australian celebrity has received the Donostia Prize.


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