20 years since Romania’s accession to NATO


20 years since Romania’s accession to NATO

As of 29 April 2024, the National Bank of Romania will put into circulation, for numismatic purposes, a silver coin and a coppered tombac coin dedicated to 20 years since Romania’s accession to NATO.

The coins have the following specifications:

Metal Silver Coppered tombac
Face value lei 10 leu 1
Fineness 999‰
Shape round round
Diameter 37 mm 37 mm
Weight 31.103 g 23.5 g
Edge milled milled
Quality proof proof


Obverse of the silver coin: the Palace of Parliament, where Romania’s accession treaty to NATO was ratified, the inscription “ROMANIA” in an arc, the face value “10 LEI”, the coat of arms of Romania, and the year of issue “2024”.

Obverse of the coppered tombac coin: the Palace of Parliament, where Romania’s accession treaty to NATO was ratified, the inscription “ROMANIA” in an arc, the face value “1 LEU”, the coat of arms of Romania, and the year of issue “2024”.

Reverse (common to the silver coin and the coppered tombac coin): the NATO logo, the inscriptions “ADERAREA ROMANIEI LA NATO” and “2004”, the year of Romania’s accession to NATO.

The silver and coppered tombac coins are individually housed in transparent plastic capsules and are accompanied by certificates of authenticity in Romanian, English and French, bearing the signatures of the Governor and the Chief Cashier of the National Bank of Romania.

The maximum mintage is 5,000 for the silver coin and 5,000 for the coppered tombac coin.

The selling price for the silver coin, including the certificate of authenticity, is lei 470.00, VAT excluded. The selling price for the coppered tombac coin, including the certificate of authenticity, is lei 170.00, VAT excluded.

The silver and coppered tombac coins dedicated to 20 years since Romania’s accession to NATO are legal tender on the territory of Romania.

The coins are put into circulation, for numismatic purposes, through the regional branches of the National Bank of Romania in Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca, Constanța, Craiova, Iași and Timișoara.

Information on how to purchase the coins can be found on the National Bank of Romania’s website, in the Numismatics section http://www.bnr.ro/Numismatics-1164.aspx.


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