The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame will induct Cher and Ozzy Osbourne among other artists in 2024


The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame will induct Cher and Ozzy Osbourne among other artists in 2024

According to CNN, performers Cher, Ozzy Osbourne, and Mary J. Blige are among those inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame this year.

The artists who will be featured in the performer category in 2024 are A Tribe Called Quest, Mary J. Blige, Cher, Dave Matthews Band, Foreigner, Peter Frampton, Kool & The Gang, and Ozzy Osbourne.

Norman Whitfield, MC5, Jimmy Buffett, and Dionne Warwick have all been chosen to win the Musical Excellence Award.

The revelation was made on Sunday night during the „Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Night” episode of „American Idol.”

Having „created music whose originality, impact, and influence have changed the course of rock and roll,” the musicians inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame were chosen from among the nominees released earlier this year, according to the organizers.

This year’s nominees include Mariah Carey, Lenny Kravitz, and Sinead O’Connor, but they have not yet been included.

For a band or individual to be nominated for induction into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, they must have released their first commercial recording at least 25 years prior to the nomination year.

On October 19, 2024, the Rocket Mortgage Fieldhouse in Cleveland, Ohio, will host the induction ceremony for the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.

The Disney+ streaming service will stream the event, and it will also be accessible to watch the next day on the Hulu online platform. Later, the ABC television network will air a special broadcast of the gala.


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