Societatea Națională Nuclearelectrica S.A. (SNN) visited the Doosan Enerbility plant in Changwon, as part of the delegation led by Romanian President Klaus Iohannis


Societatea Națională Nuclearelectrica S.A. (SNN) visited the Doosan Enerbility plant in Changwon, as part of the delegation led by Romanian President Klaus Iohannis


Societatea Națională Nuclearelectrica S.A. (SNN) recently visited Doosan Enerbility’s Changwon headquarters as part of the delegation led by Romanian President Klaus Iohannis. The scope of the visit was to assess Doosan’s advanced SMR production capabilities.

The visit envisaged the development of bilateral cooperation and technological exchange relations between Romania and its strategic partners. During this visit, tours of forging and nuclear workshops were carried out, and vital installations for SMR production were reviewed.

Cosmin Ghita, CEO of SN Nuclearelectrica, highlighted: „The Romanian SMR Project will benefit from the highest level of nuclear safety and technological robustness. Doosan Enerbility, with their internationally acknowledged experience in nuclear equipment manufacturing and advancements in SMR technologies, will significantly contribute to ensuring that by the end of the 2030s, Romania will become a benchmark in advanced nuclear technology implementation and efficient long-term clean energy projects.”

He further emphasized the collaborative benefits for the Romanian and Korean nuclear industries, including accelerating cooperation and developing the value chain.

About Nuclearelectrica

The national company “Nuclearelectrica” SA is the Romanian national electricity, heat and nuclear fuel company operating under the authority of the Ministry of Energy, with the Romanian state holding 82.49% of the shares and the other shareholders 17.50%, after the company’s listing on the stock exchange in 2013.

The Cernavodă CNE (CNE) branch operates two CANDU nuclear units, which are two of the most efficient units among more than 400 nuclear power plants in the world, a nuclear fuel plant and has achieved integrated fuel cycle through the acquisition of a uranium concentrate processing line to support the company’s long-term investment projects.

Nuclearelectrica plays a major role at national level, contributing more than 20% of nuclear energy to total energy production and 33% of total CO2-free energy production in Romania.



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