Exuberance over the Eurovision song boosts travel to Malmo, Sweden


Exuberance over the Eurovision song boosts travel to Malmo, Sweden

Between September 2023 and April 2024, travel searches for the Swedish seaside city of Malmo increased by 176% due to Eurovision fever, according to a new tab opened by eDreams ODIGEO (EDRE.MC), a Spanish online travel booking business.

The largest singing competition in the world, the Eurovision singing Contest, will take place in Malmo from May 7–11. Swedish singer Loreen won the competition in Liverpool the previous year.
It is anticipated that the third-largest city in Sweden would see 100,000 tourists.

Less over 50 kilometers separate Copenhagen from Malmo, and during that time, eDreams reported a 34% rise in travel queries for Copenhagen.

According to the company, travelers from France were the most eager to attend the tournament, making up over one-fifth of the total, followed by those from Germany and the US.

Between Easter and the beginning of the summer vacation, which is usually a slow travel period, is when the Eurovision competition is held.

Photo source: REUTERS


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