tbi bank doubles the limit for interest-free instalment payments to 2,000 lei for Easter in the tbi app. Over 1,500 online retailers available


tbi bank doubles the limit for interest-free instalment payments to 2,000 lei for Easter in the tbi app. Over 1,500 online retailers available


tbi bank, one of the leading challenger banks in South East Europe, stays close to its customers during the Easter holidays with flexible payment solutions and doubles the maximum amount that can be used for shopping with payment in 4 interest-free installments via the mobile shopping app.

Until 12 May, customers can make purchases worth up to 2,000 lei from more than 1,500 online shops present in the app, in a simple and fast experience, which they can pay back in 4 instalments with 0 interest, thus having the possibility to immediately purchase the products they want and manage their budget efficiently during the Easter holidays.

The tbi app has around 200,000 users and offers them access to over 1,500 stores in fashion, IT&C, accessories, beauty and pharma, jewellery, books, etc. The app has an average shopping basket of 227 euros, with the majority of users being millennials, aged between 28 and 43, from large cities such as Bucharest, Timisoara, Cluj or Constanta. Over 70% of transactions are placed through the Buy Now Pay Later financing product, while around 40% of orders are in the IT&C category and around 30% in fashion. The fastest growing categories in recent months are Beauty and Auto.

”Easter holidays hold significance for Romanians, providing a good opportunity to exchange small gifts to their loved ones. In order to meet the needs of our customers during this period, we have increased the maximum amount for Buy Now Pay Later purchases from 1000 to 2000 lei for all users of the app. In this way, we give customers more financial freedom for the purchases they want and the gifts they intend to give for the Easter holidays. In addition, we will soon introduce the possibility to buy holidays in installments on extremely advantageous conditions, especially as we are fast approaching the summer season”, explains Teodora Saguna, Head of Mobile App Romania & Group Head of In App Shopping Growth, tbi bank.

Among the online stores featured in the app are Fashion Days, Answear, Carturesti, Magnolia, Cartepedia and BestValue. Users can check directly in the mobile app the amounts available for shopping with financing through tbi solutions, manage payments and set recurring payments for carefree shopping. At the same time, customers can return products purchased also through the app. And for larger value purchases, they can even request additional financing in the tbi mobile app, with 100% online approval.


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