HivePhotography: Romanians, 50% more interest in Easter themed photo sessions than in a normal period. Like dyeing eggs, taking photos in specific settings has become a tradition


HivePhotography: Romanians, 50% more interest in Easter themed photo sessions than in a normal period. Like dyeing eggs, taking photos in specific settings has become a tradition



  • Easter themed photo sessions are seen by Romanians as part of the preparations for the holidays.
  • After the pandemic, the demand for Easter-themed photo sessions increased 5 times compared to 2019.
  • Many Romanians want photo sessions in two different holiday themed settings for the most diverse photos and the most impressive memories.

More and more Romanians mark the important holidays with themed photo sessions, becoming a habit in recent years among the preparations, for example, for the Easter holidays. Thus, the demand for professional photos on the occasion of Easter 2024 is 50% higher compared to a normal period of the year, with 5 times more Romanians participating in the last post-pandemic years than in 2019, mainly families with children, but also couples, shows data from Hive Photography, one of the main photo-video service studios in Romania.

„The Romanians’ interest in themed photos, for Easter, Christmas, spring or other occasions, in a professional studio, grows impressively from season to season, from holiday to holiday. We can, therefore, talk about a professional photography market that is starting to take shape in Romania, especially in large and medium-sized cities. For many Romanians, it has become a tradition, just like painting eggs or decorating the tree, to take part in themed photo sessions during the holidays. Moreover, an important part of the requests, over 50%, are for photo sessions in two different settings specific to the holiday, Romanians wanting a greater diversity of photos taken. Therefore, we photographers are also challenged not only to arrange several settings in the same photo studio, but also to think about them in such a way that they are impressive and harmoniously arranged”, says Evelyn Dantis, co-founder of Hive Photography.

Who comes to Easter-themed photo shoots and what settings are preferred

Most of those who request Easter-themed photo sessions, 90%, are from Bucharest and nearby cities, such as Giurgiu and Ploiești, but the number of those from the countryside, generally villages near Bucharest, is constantly increasing. Around 95% of customers are repeat customers, and an important part are referrals. Also, in most cases families with one or more children or married or unmarried couples participate in Easter themed photo sessions. Many photo sessions are done with groups of close friends who want memories together, groups of work colleagues at the request of employers, or large families where great-grandparents also participate.

In terms of thematic decoration, Romanians prefer arrangements that integrate and combine elements specific to the holiday, such as painted eggs, the Easter bunny, specific decorations and other elements, such as those from nature or that illustrate a landscape, that reinterpret or offer a special note to the whole decoration. Thus, for this year’s Easter photo sessions, Hive Photography has proposed a setting with rural characteristics, integrating bales of straw, baskets and firewood, corn and cobs, jute bags and traditional fabrics, but also living elements, such as be vegetables, flowers and animals.

„We are looking for atypical, unexpected, but visually pleasing settings that are not predictable, but allow for impactful photos. Professional photo sessions, especially those related to a holiday, are not just a trend, they have become a habit, already a tradition, being clients who return year after year for Easter or Christmas photos, naturally wanting a photo session in a totally new decor. Although in most cases women or children initiate participation in a first holiday-themed photo session, more and more men have begun to give family photo sessions as a gift. Requests for Easter themed photoshoots appear at least a month before Easter and the last shoot is usually the Saturday before Palm Sunday to allow enough time to edit photos for clients. At the same time, editing the photos and sending them in a timely manner is also important because all the participants want to publish the photos on social media during the Easter days. Thus, the period before Easter is the second period of the year with the highest demand for professional photos in a themed setting, after Christmas, for which in recent years we have carried out over 250 dedicated photo sessions”, explains Valentin Tînjală, co-founder of Hive Photography .

Thus, on the busiest days, there are 3-5 Easter-themed photo sessions per day. Regarding the types of photos, Romanians want standard portrait-type photos, but mostly photos that express action and dynamism, in which the participants interact and in which their emotions of joy or facial expressions of humor are captured by the camera.

With a passionate and experienced team in the visual arts, Hive Photography offers full service photography and videography for both individuals and businesses. The range of services includes photos with various themes, portrait, business, corporate or FineArt in the own photo studio, but also photo-video services at private or corporate events or for professional photo sessions at company headquarters.


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