

Ovidiu Toader’s practice stems from sculpture and unfolds into installation, drawing, and speculative narration. He is aggregating, processing, and refining a material language to build complex environments that reinvent exhibition spaces through a coherent and totalizing vision of potential futures. His new worlds attempt to translate hypotheses of earthly evolution and the infinite universe. With each new installment, Toader builds layers upon an ever-expanding constructed reality.

Toader mounted his first solo exhibition with Catinca Tabacaru Gallery in Bucharest in 2023. Currently his work makes part of the group exhibition, Gardening Lessons. 10 Tips for an organic garden, curated by Ami Barak for the Art Encounters Foundation in Timisoara. His upcoming solo exhibition, The Whole Universe is Crammed into Your Body, curated by Ioana Mandeal for the Romanian Cultural Institute, opens this week in Berlin. In Fall 2025, Toader will mount a major solo exhibition in Reggio Emilia, Italy at the Maramotti Collection, which recently acquired a large installation of his works. Toader lives and works in Bucharest.


The Whole Universe is Crammed into Your Body
Romanian Cultural Institute, Berlin
Curated by Ioana Mandeal
Preview: 5-6:30pm | Vernissage: 6:30-9:30pm

Toader’s newest site-specific project continues his dialogue with themes of universal weight. It places the ensemble under the sign of a distant speculative future in which the botanical realm has survived humanity. In a historical moment like ours, where certainties about the planet’s future have waned, and dystopian visions of techno-futurism are abounding, Toader creates an immersive artificial biotope. Governed by otherworldly creatures with hybrid traits, the diorama-like tableau allows for free-roam, while probing different theories about our relationship to nature and the intricate interplay between all things living and inert.

Another kind of kiss, 2024, stainless steel, 110x45x65 cm

Gardening Lessons. 10 Tips For An Organic Garden
Art Encounters Foundation, Timisoara
Curated by Ami Barak

Ami Barak selects ten artists from a new generation of emerging Romanians. Aiming to highlight the strength and diversity of the up and coming national contemporary art scene, each artist is treated like a gardener, concerned with encouraging natural life, artistic biodiversity, varying “habitats” and regularly amending the soil of the work so that it presents itself as sustainable as possible.


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