The ruined exterior of Copenhagen’s historic Stock Exchange has crumbled


The ruined exterior of Copenhagen’s historic Stock Exchange has crumbled

The Danish emergency services reported on Thursday afternoon that the main facade of the historic Stock Exchange in Copenhagen, which was completely destroyed by fire on Tuesday, has collapsed, as reported by AFP.

The services stated on X, „Unfortunately, the facade along the Frederiksholms Kanal has collapsed,” adding that the area has been evacuated and that no injuries have been reported.

Images released by Danish media showed the building collapsing inward with a loud bang. The rescue services suspected that this facade would collapse, so they had positioned containers along it to lessen the risk.

They had earlier in the afternoon stated that a crane-assisted operation to remove mostly the collapsed portions of the roof was scheduled to start at noon on Friday.

On Tuesday, at around 7:30 local time, an unknown cause caused a fire under the building’s roof, which resulted in the burning of half of the structure.

Built in the 17th century and poised to celebrate its 400th anniversary this year, the old Stock Exchange in Copenhagen is a monument that also holds a sizable collection of artwork, many hundred of which have been preserved.

Photo source: Gazeta de Sud


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