Prince William attends his first public event since the news of his wife’s cancer


Prince William attends his first public event since the news of his wife’s cancer

According to Reuters, Prince William will attend a public function on Thursday, April 18th, for the first time since his wife, Kate, disclosed that she had begun preventive chemotherapy for cancer.

The 42-year-old Princess of Wales revealed in a video message last month that tests conducted after a major abdominal surgery she had in January had found cancer. Princess Kate called this news „a huge shock.”

Since then, Prince William, 41, has refrained from attending any formal events, as the British royal couple and their three children have been attempting to cope with the news’ emotional toll.

Although Charles and his oldest son, Prince George, were pictured at a stadium last week during a football game featuring their beloved team, Aston Villa, this Thursday will be the British throne heir’s first formal public appearance since Princess Kate’s announcement.

Before going to a juvenile center that gets deliveries from the charity, Prince William will visit another charity that provides extra food.

The Princess of Wales, who is also known by her maiden name, Kate Middleton, will return to her public responsibilities as soon as her medical team deems her healthy enough, according to her press office, which has not yet established a date or time range.

Her sickness was discovered concurrently with King Charles III, the father of Prince William, receiving treatment for an unidentified type of cancer. Following the diagnosis, the British monarch likewise withdrew from public life, but he was still able to greet the throng of fans that had gathered outside St. George’s Chapel on the royal Windsor estate following his attendance at the Easter service at the end of March.

Photo source: REUTERS


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