Holcim launches PROZID with ECOCycle®, the first bricklaying binder with 10% recycled concrete inside


Holcim launches PROZID with ECOCycle®, the first bricklaying binder with 10% recycled concrete inside

Holcim Romania launches PROZID (link), bricklaying binder with ECOCycle® technology.

Produced by the plant located in Turda, Cluj County, it’s the first bricklaying binder with 10% recycled concrete from construction demolition materials and it has 30% less CO2. Through this launch, the company marks a first on the construction market in Romania and at the same time, makes a step forward in its efforts of supporting circular constructions.

The ECOCycle® technology, developed by Holcim at Group level, involves the recycling of construction demolition materials and using them in cement, mortars or concrete.

“Millions of tonnes of construction demolition materials are generated worldwide every year. Recycling concrete into new products is a solution to make the consumption of natural resources more efficient and have greener cities without compromising on construction performance. We are happy that we can contribute to the support of circular constructions in Romania through the sustainable solutions in our portfolio”, said Cosmin Șerban, Commercial Director, Holcim Romania.

Cosmin Șerban, Commercial Director, Holcim Romania.

By recycling concrete from construction and demolition, we support:

  • Increasing the life cycle of natural resources by recycling construction materials;
  • Reducing the volume of construction and demolition waste and diverting it from storage;
  • Reducing the amount of natural raw materials used in new constructions.

At the same time, to mark the launch of PROZID, on the occasion of Earth Day, Holcim Romania symbolically turns off the lights in the cement plants in Campulung, Arges county, Alesd, Bihor county, and Turda, Cluj county, as well as in other operations and in the headquarters.

Along with other initiatives such as tree planting or investments in process water recirculation technologies, carried out in recent years, and after the launch of the first products with low CO2 emissions, such as ECOPlanet cement and ECOPact concrete, Holcim accelerates the transition to circular construction by launching PROZID.

About Holcim Romania

The Holcim Romania group of companies includes Holcim Romania (two cement plants in Câmpulung and Aleșd, a AAC plant in Adjud, a grinding station, 28 concrete stations, five aggregate stations, two special binder stations, three cement terminals, three platforms for waste pre-treatment – through Geocycle) and Somaco Grup Prefabricate (five precast plants).

The Holcim Romania group of companies is active in the production of high-performance construction materials, with the main objective being the transition to a completely sustainable business, through the development of products with as little carbon footprint as possible and through a constant concern for environmental protection. All the company’s projects work in synergy for the responsible consumption of natural resources, the use of energy-efficient technologies, the reduction of emissions, the decrease of the impact of transport by optimizing distribution routes and prioritizing vehicles with low fuel consumption.

Holcim specialists develop materials for the future based on innovation and digitization, with social and environmental responsibility as the main vectors, for more sustainable communities, in a circular economy. In total, the Holcim Romania Group has approximately 2,000 employees.


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