Oana Popescu, Head of Residential at Crosspoint Real Estate, becomes new Partner of the real estate consulting company


 Oana Popescu, Head of Residential at Crosspoint Real Estate, becomes new Partner of the real estate consulting company

Crosspoint Real Estate, one of Romania’s leading real estate consulting agencies, announces the recent appointment of Oana Popescu as Partner. After six successful years spent in the residential division, during which Oana has demonstrated an outstanding ability to build long-lasting relationships with partners and has also made a significant contribution to the growth of the client portfolio, this appointment is a natural outcome.

Oana joined the Crosspoint team in the summer of 2017 and took over the lead of the residential department in 2022. Her client list includes high-profile names such as NEPI Rockcastle, Toyota, APX, ‚Carol Davila’ Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Nusco Imobiliara, ICHB, Cinema City, Stejarii Residential, Alesonor, Media One or Novum Invest.

Thinking about her role, Oana Popescu remarked: „Steve Jobs said that great things in business are never done by one person, they’re done by a team of people, and I firmly believe that. My position as Head of Residential at Crosspoint has made me appreciate the people around me more and more. Teamwork is the ability to turn individual achievements into organisational goals, while improving the performance of the whole company. Timing and adapting to the rhythm of each team member leads not only to the achievement of group goals, but also to the individual performance and growth of each person involved. Crosspoint has been one of the most stable and successful real estate agencies in Romania for years, but more than its recognition in the market, from my point of view – and I don’t hesitate to speak on behalf of my colleagues – it is an excellent environment for personal development, evolution and progress. With this in mind, I take on my new role as a Partner, alongside people who share the same values, in the most beautiful and healthy form of self-development”.

With over a decade and a half of experience in real estate, during her years spent at Crosspoint, Oana has been the key person behind a series of transactions worth over €60 million.

„Crosspoint’s success is very much a result of the people with whom we have built this business. Oana has always proven her professionalism, integrity and dedication to her role, and promotion to the role of Partner is well-deserved recognition of her essential contribution and ability to inspire and lead. We are proud to have Oana with us in this new phase. She is a valuable leader for our team and we hope that we will be together on our path to excellence for as long as possible.”, adds Codrin Matei, Principal Partner of Crosspoint Real Estate.


Founded in 2005, Crosspoint Real Estate offers both real estate trading and consulting services, as well as financial solutions needed by large investors, for all types of properties: offices, retail, industrial, land, hotels and residential. Crosspoint Real Estate is the international associate of Savills in Romania, one of the largest real estate companies worldwide, founded in 1855 – with revenues of over GBP 2.24 billion generated in 2023.


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