Rising sea levels will leave Bucharest underwater in 2050, Artificialintelligence reveals


Rising sea levels will leave Bucharest underwater in 2050, Artificialintelligence reveals

Countries where the largest percentage of residents are predicted to be affected by rising sea levels in 2050

Rank Country Estimated Population Threatened by Rising Sea Levels Estimated 2050 Population % Of Population Under Threat
1 Bosnia and Herzegovina 4,600 2,739,014 0.168%
2 Lithuania 3,500 2,187,551 0.160%
3 Latvia 2,200 1,433,729 0.153%
4 Bulgaria 7,100 5,187,393 0.137%
5 Georgia 4,600 3,384,660 0.136%
5 Puerto Rico 3,700 2,727,625 0.136%
7 Croatia 4,500 3,333,425 0.135%
8 Romania 22,000 17,457,213 0.126%
9 Japan 130,000 103,784,357 0.125%
10 Albania 3,000 2,456,473 0.122%

Romania is at risk of the effects of rising sea levels. As illustrated in the below image, the rising tides in this country’s capital could result in the streets of Bucharest being engulfed by water by 2050.

What could rising tides in 2050 look like for Bucharest, Romania?

James Longley, Managing Director at Utility Bidder, has commented on the findings from ‘Rising Tides’ and how climate change is impacting sea levels across the globe:

“The launch of Utility Bidder’s Rising Tides study follows damning news that 2023 has been recorded as the hottest year on record across the globe. The year will be synonymous with wildfire destruction across Europe, but the long-term effects of rising temperatures are not only being felt on land but at sea as well.

“Current sea levels are four inches higher than they were 30 years ago, and elevated predictions envisage that millions of people across the globe will be at threat from rising sea levels by 2050 – none more so than residents in China where over 1.3 million residents are likely to be impacted by higher sea levels.

“The United States is another destination where hundreds of thousands of citizens could be at risk, and the country’s coastline is expected to grow more than 10 inches taller by 2050, leaving residents vulnerable to flooding, particularly in states with long coastlines, such as Hawaii and California. 

“Stemming the flow of rising sea levels may be a huge ask with world temperatures constantly rising, and we find ourselves facing a fate of some of the world’s most picturesque countries and cities being underwater, and up to 0.17% of the total estimated 2050 population in Bosnia and Herzegovina could be affected – more than anywhere else in the world. 

“With this in mind, we’ve used AI software from Midjourney to create artist impressions revealing the devastating reality of rising sea levels for the countries and populations most at risk of being submerged by water – generating a selection of images to profile cities from across Eastern Europe and beyond.

“Hopefully, these images strike a chord with many on the damning impact of climate change and impact people to continue looking after and preserving these landmarks, as well as considering their own lifestyle choices to help the cause.”

“Statistics are one thing, but a picture can paint a thousand words, and the effects of climate change are no exception. We hope these images impact people’s own lifestyle choices, and prove insightful for all readers.”


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