Education and mentoring for content creators: MOCAPP announces a new edition of Influencer Accelerator


Education and mentoring for content creators: MOCAPP announces a new edition of Influencer Accelerator

The Influencer Accelerator program run by MOCAPP opens its doors for the second edition on 20 May 2024.

This initiative is designed to identify, educate, and promote the next generation of successful Influencers. The goal of the Accelerator is to increase the level of professionalism of the Influencer Marketing industry, so that Romanian content creators can more quickly understand the standards that brands follow in their campaigns, how they can develop their own assets (personal brand, content quality and communities, etc.), to effectively capitalize and monetize market opportunities.

Online Academy

For 10 weeks, creators who want to train alongside top specialists in the online advertising industry will have the opportunity to participate in 10 interactive sessions guided by Mentors, according to a curriculum that includes: personal branding, community management, online tools and services, ethics and legislation, negotiation, and sales techniques.

At the end of the program, trainees can obtain a certification by exam that attests their level of knowledge and professionalism: IAM Certified.

The launch of this new edition of the program follows the success of the autumn 2023 edition, when several content creators were recruited by talent agencies.

„The stage the Influencer Marketing industry is in is one of maturation – Companies and Agencies are increasingly investing in advertising through content creators, stars and influencers, but they are also demanding a higher level of professionalism and clearer results. Our Accelerator is more than a community of digital creators, it’s a talent academy that attracts and educates tomorrow’s generation of Influencers.”Florin Grozea, MOCAPP Founder and IAM Pilot.

Florin Grozea, MOCAPP Founder and IAM Pilot.

Calendar and Mentors

The courses will run from 20 May to 25 July 2024, totaling ten weeks of intensive training and personalized mentoring.

Content creators participating in the Influencer Accelerator program will benefit from 10 webinars led by 16 Influencer Marketing mentors, respected creators, talent managers and marketing agency professionals: Aluziva, Mircea Bravo, Cristian China Birta, Radu Constantin, Bogdan Tomoiagă (GRF+), Alex Adam (Publicis), Andrei Alexandru (Global Records), Monica Munteanu, Radu Ionuț (HIT) and others.

Participants will have access to a wide range of educational resources, including text and video lectures, live webinars, and Mastermind sessions. In addition, representatives from international brands and leading Romanian agencies will bring learners first-hand the „client perspective” on working with content creators.

„The Influencer Accelerator program is about to become the new standard in Influencer Marketing in Romania. We have seen first-hand, working with them at the 2023 edition, how the level of professionalism, skills and ambitions of creators is accelerating. I think the program is right for all creators who want to grow in social media: the Influencer Accelerator is an open door for those who want to become real influencers”, – Andrei Alexandru from Global Talent United.

In the 2024 edition, which starts on 20 May, each session will begin with 30 minutes of best practice models provided by Mentors, followed by 60 minutes of interactive and personalized sessions for students (content creators).


Registration is now open, and the cost of participation is €99/month for Accelerator Paid and €500/month for Accelerator Gold.

Find out more about the curriculum, events calendar, and mentors here:

Influencer Accelerator is a program recommended for content creators in the early stages of their careers and has endorsements from several celebrities and influencers with reputations in their fields.


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