Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will co-produce two new Netflix series


Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will co-produce two new Netflix series

Netflix revealed on Thursday that Prince Harry and his spouse Meghan will be producing two shows: one with a culinary theme and the other centered around a US polo championship.

The projects are a part of a multi-year agreement between Netflix and Archewell Productions, the production firm the couple founded in 2020 following their relocation to the United States and resignation from the British royal family.

The first initiative will focus on friendship, hospitality, gardening, and cuisine. Netflix claims that Meghan Markle, who is executive producing, is in charge of „managing” the program.

The second series, which explores the world of competitive polo, will be devoted to the Polo Championship in Wellington, Florida. This polo-themed show is executive produced by Markle and Prince Harry.

Netflix stated that release details, including titles and dates, will be revealed „in the coming months” for both of the currently-in-production shows.

The new show continues the two’s previous endeavors, which include the „Harry & Meghan” documentary on Netflix.


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