BAT: Zero tolerance for selling tobacco products and e-cigarettes to minors
- BAT, in partnership with the National Authority for Consumer Protection (ANPC), continues the „Choose Responsibly a Clean Commercial Behaviour” Campaign, in more than 32,000 partner stores in Romania.
- Commercial responsibility remains a major priority in BAT’s activity
- Tobacco and nicotine products as well as e-cigarettes are intended for adults only
BAT, in partnership with the National Authority for Consumer Protection (ANPC), is launching its annual „Choose Responsiblly a Clean Commercial Behaviour” Campaign this month. The initiative aims at informing and raising awareness about on the importance of complying with the legislation for preventing minors` access to tobacco and nicotine products. This year, the legislation has been significantly adjusted to prevent the risk of minors having access such products. This includes the extension of the ban on the selling of e-cigarettes to minors, regardless of whether they contain nicotine or not and the ban on the sale of tobacco and nicotine products through vending machines.
BAT`s initiative, which aims to promote the legislative updates and highlight the importance of zero tolerance towards the sale of nicotine products to minors, is developed at national scale in approximately 32,000 partner retail stores, as well as in outdoor public spaces in the centre of Bucharest.
„BAT constantly invests in campaigns that promote responsible trading standards and principles, both within its own business and in collaboration with our trading partners. We believe that a legislation aimed at minimising the risk of minors having access to all categories of tobacco and nicotine products, as well as nicotine and nicotine-free e-cigarettes, is a sign of normality and responsibility. BAT is committed to continuing to develop such awareness programmes and we aim to have the support of all relevant authorities in the field to ensure that these regulations are rigorously implemented and respected,” said Ileana Dumitru, External Affairs Director for the South Eastern Europe Area at BAT.
Romania is one of the first countries in the European Union to implement a ban on the sale to minors of all forms of products containing tobacco and nicotine, including nicotine-free e-cigarettes.
In recent years, BAT has continuously developed programs to inform traders and consumers about the legal provisions, but also about the reasons why minors should not have access to nicotine products. As of 2019, the National Authority for Consumer Protection (ANPC) has joined the BAT Campaign, providing consumers with the contact number 021/9551 – Consumer Line, where anyone can report a law infrigement.
„As Vice President of ANPC, I am glad to continue this campaign together in 2024, aiming to inform the public about the legal provisions regarding the sale of tobacco and nicotine products exclusively to adults. We are committed to monitoring legal compliance and encourage anyone who identifies law infrigements to report them to the ANPC telephone line,” said Sebastian Hotca, ANPC Vice President.