April 15th is World Art Day


April 15th is World Art Day

Every year on April 15, we celebrate World Art Day, recognizing the power of the arts to uplift spirituality and culture on a global scale.

Although there are many other types of art, the recognized categories—architecture, painting, sculpture, music, literature, and dance—were originally formed in ancient Greece. Cinema was designated as the seventh art in 1911.

The date was selected to honor the Italian humanist, painter, sculptor, architect, and visionary Leonardo da Vinci (15 April 1452 – 2 May 1519), who is regarded as a symbol of artistic freedom and the creator of the well-known proverb „In life, beauty fades, but in art it never fades.”

2012 saw the first celebration of World Art Day, which was instituted at the International Art Association’s suggestion during its 17th General Assembly in Guadalajara, Mexico, in 2011.

Artists primarily working in the visual arts disciplines of painting, sculpture, and typography are members of the International Art Association (IAA/AIAP), a non-governmental organization (NGO) that is officially partnered with UNESCO. When 48 artists’ associations from 19 countries and 23 governments expressed support for the creation of an international association of painters, sculptors, and printmakers, it was established in Venice in 1952. Gino Severini, an Italian, chaired the interim council, and a secretariat was established at UNESCO House in Paris, according to www.aiap-iaa.org and .

The Association held its first General Assembly in 1954, also in Venice, where its goals and organizational structure were decided. The artists Joan Miro, Georges Braque, Robert Delaunay, Victor Pasmore, Hans Hartung, Marie Laurencin, André Masson, Victor Vasarely, Cesar Baldaccini, and Alexander Calder are a few that have made an impression on the AIAP/IAA.

The International Art Association counts the Union of Romanian Artists among its members.

UNESCO hosted a virtual discussion on World Art Day 2020 in response to the COVID-19 epidemic, which was organized under the umbrella of the international „ResiliArt” movement.


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