7.6 tons of garbage from Vacaresti Natural Park were gathered by volunteers


7.6 tons of garbage from Vacaresti Natural Park were gathered by volunteers

The mayor of the capital, Nicusor Dan, reported that volunteers helped gather about 7.6 tons of rubbish on Saturday during the greening initiative of the Vacaresti Natural Park.

„We are grateful to the hundreds of Bucharest locals, spanning all age groups, who answered the call to tidy up this vast tract of land. It concerns old waste, some of which is concealed in flora, that was dumped here prior to the Vacaresti Delta becoming a protected area, rather than trash thrown by park visitors”, Nicusor Dan stated on his Facebook page.

The mayor remembers that three years ago, when he seized control of this region, he founded the Vacaresti Natural Park Administration, an organization tasked with overseeing the preservation of the local wildlife and plants.


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