NN Romania donated almost 0.9 million euro and over 2,600 volunteering hours in 2023 to support social initiatives with impact in health, education and economic opportunities


NN Romania donated almost 0.9 million euro and over 2,600 volunteering hours in 2023 to support social initiatives with impact in health, education and economic opportunities


NN supports the communities it is part of and donated almost 0.9 million euro in 2023 to socially relevant initiatives related to health and education, with direct impact in the lives of about 6,000 people. Over 800 employees and financial consultants contributed with over 2,600 volunteering hours to amplify NN’s positive impact in society, with the mission to contribute to the well-being of people and society and to the sustainable development of Romania.

NN Romania’s community investments are part of NN Group’s total investment of over 20.1 million euro in 2023, representing 1.1% of the operating result before taxes. NN aims to contribute to people’s financial, physical and mental well-being by leveraging resources, skills, and expertise in areas where they are most needed and through volunteer involvement.

In Romania, NN supported initiatives for well-being as shown in NN Romania’s Community Investment Overview in 2023. Thus, NN supported initiatives for health, seeking to ensure a better start in life for children born with heart malformations or a better future for children and adults with autism. At the same time, NN supported education for children, the development of entrepreneurial education for young adults that are preparing to start their professional lives and career opportunities for young adults in vulnerable communities.

“Our contribution and investments aim to generate positive change and create a better future not only for the communities directly benefiting from support but for society as a whole. We believe that a better future is built today, which is why we offer protection, solutions, and advisory for people’s financial well-being and support initiatives for the well-being of society. Health and education are areas where we know we can have the greatest long-term impact, helping people from vulnerable categories to lead a healthy and financially independent life, to integrate more easily into society, and to become more resilient and better prepared for the future”, says Kuldeep Kaushik, CEO of NN Romania.

Support for children with heart defects and for patients with autism

In 2023, NN continued to donate and encourage people to contribute to expanding the Cardiac Surgery Department of the Marie Curie Children’s Hospital in partnership with the Inima Copiilor Association. The project aiming to give more children with heart defects access to the surgery they need entails a 3 million euro investment. Since the launch of the initiative, NN has contributed 2 million euro, of which 1.6 million euro donations and the rest by supporting people’s contribution, doubling each 2 euro individual donation via SMS to 8844.

Together with the Autism Voice Association, NN continued to support children and adults with autism spectrum disorders to benefit from the therapies they need to better integrate in society and have more chances for an independent life. NN extended its donation to the Autism Voice Institute, the first Multifunctional Center for Recovery and Research in Autism, reaching a total of 300,000 euro. At the institute opened in 2022, over 500 patients can benefit from support in the institute every year and, at the same time, 300 therapists and 300 teachers and doctors have been trained to better support autism patients.

Education for vulnerable children and for future entrepreneurs

The most important education initiative was, in 2023, the launch of the launch of the first scholarship fund for future entrepreneurs in Romania, in partnership with EA – The Entrepreneurship Academy. The fund started with scholarships of over 200,000 euro from NN and already supports students with limited financial means to take applied studies and start working on their own business during university. This way, young people are practically prepared for the economic context and job market in Romania and have access to an ecosystem of resources, mentorship, and entrepreneurial communities to succeed. Furthermore, the fund grows with the involvement of people and society. Any company can invest in the education of the future generation of entrepreneurs by redirecting their income tax or profit tax and any person can support by redirecting their income tax or through personal contributions to the scholarship fund.

“By supporting education and entrepreneurship as drivers of a country’s development through their impact on the economy, job creation, and innovation promotion, more young people can thrive in their own country, and Romania can grow competitively at regional level alongside future generations of entrepreneurs. This is why it is important for each of us, as members of society, as business people, or as entrepreneurs, to be aware that we can have a greater role in supporting entrepreneurial education for a better future”, adds Gabriela Lupas-Ticu, Chief Customer Officer at NN Romania.

Gabriela Lupas-Ticu, Chief Customer Officer at NN Romania.

Also in education, NN continued to facilitate innovative social entrepreneurship and economic opportunities through the Social Innovation Relay program developed as part of the collaboration started in 2014 with Junior Achievement. The initiative helps students identify real issues in their communities and develop innovative projects to address them. Over 2,000 highschool students participated in the program last year, and a team of 5 students who piloted the Future Your project with support from NN mentors and represented Romania in the international competition, alongside teams from 8 countries.

At the same time, through initiatives developed together with Hope and Homes for Children, teenagers who are preparing to leave the protection system benefited from education and support for an independent life in two educational camps. And together with Teach for Romania, NN continued the program that increases the quality of education for children from disadvantaged communities and contributes to the professional training of teachers responsible for their education.

Volunteering to amplify the positive impact in society

NN amplified its extensive volunteering strategy in 2023, encouraging employees and financial consultants to participate in all social responsibility initiatives supported by the company. In total, 800 team members contributed more than 2,600 volunteer hours.

The largest initiative involving volunteers was Your Community Matters Week, at its third annual edition, that leverages resources and skills to create direct impact for people. In total, 500 NN volunteers participated in the initiatives developed this week, cumulating almost 1,000 volunteering hours and supporting over 1,300 beneficiaries.

About 300 NN employees ran at the NN Charity Run @ Paris and turned almost 400 kilometers into donations to the Inima Copiilor Association’s project to expand the Cardiosurgery Department of the Marie Curie Children’s Hospital. At the same time, NN volunteers helped almost 100 disadvantaged children from 5 elementary schools from rural areas, part of Teach for Romania’s network, with books, toys and sweets on June 1.

Young adults from Hope and Homes for Children preparing to start and independent life visited NN’s head office during an Open Day and learned about future career opportunities, were inspired to turn their talents into a career and were advised on what they can do for a better financial future. Last but not least, NN volunteers participated to the construction of a house for a vulnerable family, as part of UNSAR’s initiative developed in partnership with Habitat for Humanity.

About NN Romania

NN is the first international life insurance company to enter the Romanian market, in 1997, and has been active in the private pensions segment for 16 years, being a leader in its markets. At the same time, NN also expanded in recent years into the health and home insurance segments in Romania. NN currently has 500 employees and 1,600 financial consultants and managers in its sales force and supports over 2.3 million insurance and pension clients, a quarter of Romania’s working population, to protect what matters most to them.

NN Romania is part of the NN Group, a financial services company with a history of more than 175 years of international operations and a strong presence in 11 countries, with a total of more than 16,000 employees and over 19 million clients. NN Group has been listed on Euronext Amsterdam since 2014 and is always there for its clients with responsibility and sustained commitments.

NN puts its resources, expertise, and networks to use for the well-being of its customers, the advancement of its communities and the promotion of a stable, inclusive, and sustainable economy. NN’s purpose is to help people care for what matters most to them and its ambition is to be an industry leader, known for our customer engagement, talented people, and contribution to society. NN Group’s aim is to support the financial, physical and mental well-being of 1 million people by 2025.



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