LSEG Technology and Operations Hub reaches 1000 employees in Bucharest


LSEG Technology and Operations Hub reaches 1000 employees in Bucharest

  • The LSEG Technology and Operations Hub in Bucharest, Romania, has reached 1000 employees with plans to further expand its workforce throughout 2024.
  • Out of the 1000 employees, 300 roles were filled via the employee referrals programme.

LSEG (London Stock Exchange Group) announces, that the Technology and Operations Hub in Bucharest, Romania now employs 1000 talented individuals. Colleagues are employed across a wide range of technology-focused roles such as web services, research and development, and various positions within the corporate function.

LSEG in Romania has experienced significant growth over the past five years quickly evolving into a pivotal geographical hub within the Group. Out of the 1000 employed 300 were hired through the employee referrals programme, showcasing the growth seen at the Hub, was a collective effort. The Technology and Operations hub are committed to building technology for financial market infrastructure, which contributes to the global financial market.

Furthermore, LSEG Romania has demonstrated a consistent commitment to education and the local community. In 2023, it equipped a laboratory at the Polytechnic University of Bucharest and supported young people from disadvantaged backgrounds through numerous projects in collaboration with partner NGOs.

To contribute to the well-being of its employees, LSEG has introduced a new benefit regarding parental leave this year. Through this initiative, LSEG reinforces its commitment to diversity and inclusion. Although in Romania, mothers are entitled to two years of leave, LSEG extends this right to fathers as well, offering them the possibility of up to 26 weeks of leave in the case of childbirth. Read more about this benefit.

Andreea Stănescu, Site Lead LSEG Romania, said:

”Reaching the milestone of 1000 employees is a noteworthy achievement for us. This success is attributed to our talented colleagues, their inquisitive nature, and their collaborative efforts. Together, we’ve harnessed a culture that prioritizes support and purpose, focusing on innovation to develop products that meet the evolving needs of our customers. We are grateful for the contribution of every team member who has helped us get to this point.”

With a turnover of 335 million RON in 2023 and 172 million RON in 2022, LSEG’s Technology and Operations Hub in Romania grew by 94% in just one year. Thus, it remains committed to driving innovation, fostering diversity, and creating opportunities in 2024. The continuation of workforce development across entry and experienced level roles, in a dynamic and international workforce, remains a priority for LSEG.

Read more about LSEG in Romania, and career opportunities.

About LSEG

LSEG (London Stock Exchange Group) is a leading global financial markets infrastructure and data provider, playing a vital social and economic role in the world’s financial system.

With our open approach, trusted expertise and global scale, we enable the sustainable growth and stability of our customers and their communities. We are dedicated partners with extensive experience, deep knowledge and a worldwide presence in data and analytics; indices; capital formation; and trade execution, clearing and risk management across multiple asset classes.

LSEG is headquartered in the United Kingdom, with significant operations in 70 countries across EMEA, North America, Latin America and Asia Pacific. We employ 25,000 people globally, more than half located in Asia Pacific. LSEG’s ticker symbol is LSEG.




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