LEMET opened the LEMS store in Câmpina with an investment of about 20 million lei


LEMET opened the LEMS store in Câmpina with an investment of about 20 million lei


LEMET, one of the largest furniture manufacturers at national level and one of the largest retailers through the LEMS brand, recently opened the LEMS store in Câmpina, Prahova county. The LEMS furniture showroom has an area of approximately 4,000 square meters and required an investment of approximately 20 million lei. The focus was on quality materials, green space and parking spaces. Specifically, we wanted to maximize comfort and offer the most pleasant experience to customers.

The investment also includes a photovoltaic plant spread over an area of 1500 square meters. The 210 kW plant produces 250 MWh annually and reduces CO2 emissions by 120t each year.

The expansion of LEMS stores has occurred over the years in the municipalities and cities of Romania, today having a network of 70 stores in the country. „The geography of the expansion of the LEMS store network is a complex one, always thought and planned long in advance. When we open a new store, we take into account the demand on the regional market, the LEMS stores we already have in the area and a number of other rigorously calculated factors,” said Costin Rujoiu, LEMET sales director.

All stores are fitted out to the same high design and quality standards that identify as part of the LEMS brand. „Our showrooms are designed on the idea of „home”, designed to create a pleasant and comforting atmosphere for anyone who crosses our threshold”, added Daniel Belu, LEMET marketing director.

LEMS stores, positive evolution in 2023

LEMS recorded an increasing turnover, compared to the previous year, up to 330 million lei. The continuous and sustained investments in recent years in the expansion of the store network, the financing solutions in installments without interest offered to customers, the very good quality, the attractive prices and the 100% Romanian brand, stimulated sales during this time of the year.

The showrooms of the LEMS furniture store network offer a diverse range of credit products. Depending on the location, the LEMS partners in terms of financing institutions are the following: STAR from Banca Transilvania, BCR, UniCredit Consumer Finance, ING, AVANTAJ and OPTIMO from Credit Europe, Raiffeisen, Garanti BBVA, Alpha Bank and BRD.

„We offer our customers the best purchasing possibilities to buy their desired furniture configurations. At the same time, we also take into account the purchase process, not just the furniture that our client buys,” said Adina Rizea, deputy general manager of LEMET.

Adina Rizea, deputy general manager of LEMET.


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