Copacabana Beach’s May 4 Madonna event is free of charge


Copacabana Beach’s May 4 Madonna event is free of charge

To mark the conclusion of her tour, Madonna and the event organizers announced on Monday that she will perform a free mega-concert on May 4 on Rio de Janeiro’s renowned Copacabana beach, according to AFP.

A statement on the US artist’s website described it as the star’s „biggest” event „to date, an unforgettable concert on one of the most beautiful stages in the world.”

The 65-year-old Madonna will be performing for the first time in Brazil since her last visit there in 2012.

With this tour celebrating 40 years of her career and several international performances, the massive extravaganza will be the artist’s only performance in South America.

According to the release, the artist wishes to thank her Brazilian fans with this event, which is also the only free show on the „Celebration” tour.

At a press conference, the concert’s organizers stated that the logistics of the event will be comparable to those of the yearly fireworks display on Copacabana beach, which draws in excess of a million spectators.

A Rolling Stones concert on Copacabana Beach in 2006 drew an estimated 1.2 to 1.5 million attendees.

The seven-time Grammy Award winner is presently touring North America.

Three performances in Miami and five at Mexico City’s Palacio de los Deportes—the band’s lone stop in Latin America before Rio—are among the upcoming April concert dates.

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