Gabriela Firea: The people of Bucharest are the reason I’m visiting the European Parliament


Gabriela Firea: The people of Bucharest are the reason I’m visiting the European Parliament

I’ll battle to get access to European funding. Sen. Gabriela Firea, the first vice-president of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), declared that she would represent the people of Bucharest in the European Parliament and that, should Romanians support her candidacy for a mandate as a member, she would fight to secure European funding for further development of the country’s capital.

„I thank my Social Democratic colleagues for nominating me on the PSD-PNL alliance list for the European Parliament elections. It is a vote of confidence that comes after a period in which I worked hard for the people, for the Social Democratic team, and it honors me. I am glad that my contribution as general mayor, senator, and member of this party has not been forgotten. The candidacy for a position as a Member of the European Parliament is a very serious one, and the European Parliament is the most important legislative body of the European Union. I am sure that I will succeed in working for the people from this new position to which I will be sent, first and foremost, by Romanians through their vote. I am going to the European Parliament with the people of Bucharest in mind, and I will fight to access European funds to further develop the capital of Romania. All the work I have done during my term as general mayor will be helpful, when I attracted 1 billion euros in non-repayable European funds to Bucharest,” wrote Gabriela Firea on Facebook.

She gave her word that she would prioritize women’s concerns and fight for gender parity, the protection of women’s rights, the eradication of domestic abuse, and the needs of Romania’s elderly, young people, and children.

„I am not abandoning Bucharest. I remain dedicated to this city which has been my home for over 30 years! I have lived and worked in the capital more than in any other city! I will continue to lead the PSD Bucharest Organization with the same passion and dedication to the people,” transmitted Gabriela Firea.

The PSD president, Marcel Ciolacu, declared on Thursday that Mihai Tudose, Gabriela Firea, and Claudiu Manda were at the top of the party’s list for the elections to the European Parliament.

The PSD leader announced that Mihai Tudose, Gabriela Firea, Claudiu Manda, Victor Negrescu, Vasile Dîncu, Gheorghe Cârciu, Dragoş Benea, Dan Nica, Ştefan Moşoiu, Roxana Mînzatu, and Andi Cristea were on the list that the National Political Council of the party authorized on Thursday. The PNL will be included on the joint list.

Photo source: Facebook – Gabriela Firea


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