Bergenbier S.A. launches Caraiman, the newest brand in the core beer segment


Bergenbier S.A. launches Caraiman, the newest brand in the core beer segment


Bergenbier S.A., part of the Molson Coors Beverage Company group, expands its portfolio and launches Caraiman, a beer with a balanced taste that invites consumers to take a well-deserved break.

With the slogan „balanced taste, just perfect for catching your breath”, the new brand enters the core segment and focuses on moments of break from everyday activities and the need for serenity that consumers are currently looking for.

”We are excited to continue our portfolio expansion and offer consumers a new brand, this time in the core segment. Caraiman comes with a solid resonance, has Romanian roots and invites consumers to a balanced taste, just perfect for catching your breath! It is an important launch for the beer category, one that contributes to its growth and we are delighted to see the enthusiasm our partners have welcomed Caraiman. It is also a growth opportunity that we offer to clients by diversifying the products’ portfolio, a key element through which we can promptly respond to market needs. Also, the new launch contributes to our ambition to strengthen our position in the core segment, where we are now present with two extremely strong brands: Bergenbier and Caraiman”, Mihai Voicu, General Manager Bergenbier S.A. pointed out.

Mihai Voicu, General Manager Bergenbier S.A.

Bergenbier S.A. is an active manufacturer in terms of new product launches and assortments. This year, the surprise brand comes from the core segment, Caraiman being a brand that the company has produced in the past, almost two decades ago.

”Caraiman is the return to the spotlight of a Romanian brand, with balanced taste, inspired by nature. From our studies, 80% of Romanian consumers want a less intense pace of life, and Caraiman is exactly that beer for breaks from the daily tumult. It is that moment when you reach the top of the mountain, put down your backpack and catch your breath. We are betting on an integrated 360 communication for Caraiman, with attention both in the TV and digital areas, in-store and through surprise influencers that we will announce very soon”, Victor Teioșanu, Marketing Director added.

Victor Teioșanu, Marketing Director

Caraiman is a beer with 4.6% alcohol, available both in aluminum can and 0.5l bottle, as well as in 0.33l bottle, PET and KEG. All packaging variants, including multi-pack, can be found starting from March in Romania, in off-trade and on-trade stores.

About Bergenbier S.A.

Part of the Molson Coors Beverages Company Central & Eastern Europe group, Bergenbier S.A. was founded in 1994, and the most important brand in its portfolio, Bergenbier, was launched a year later. Today, Bergenbier S.A. is in the top three beer producing companies in Romania, having a modern factory in Ploiesti and a high-performance national distribution network. Bergenbier S.A. pays more attention to the impact it has on the community and the environment. The company’s portfolio includes brands that cover all market segments. In addition to the beers produced in Ploiesti – Bergenbier, Fresh, Staropramen, Praha, Staropramen Unfiltered, Stella Artois, Beck’s, Noroc, Löwenbräu – the company exclusively imports and distributes Prague specialties Staropramen Dark and Granat, Belgian abbey beers Leffe and Hoegaarden, American beer Miller Genuine Draft, the most beloved Mexican beer, Corona, as well as the unfiltered German white beer Frazinskaner. The company also has 0.0% alcohol variants for Stella Artois and Staropramen in its portfolio.

About Molson Coors

For over two centuries, Molson Coors has been making drinks that bring people together to enjoy all of life’s moments. From Coors Light, Miller Lite, Molson Canadian, Carling and Staropramen to Coors Banquet, Blue Moon Belgian White, Saint Archer Gold, Leinenkugel’s Summer Shandy, Creemore Springs and more, Molson Coors produces some of the most beloved and iconic beer brands ever made. While the company’s history is rooted in beer, Molson Coors offers a modern portfolio that extends beyond the beer industry with carbonated cocktails, coffee, wine, kombucha, cider and more. Molson Coors Beverage Company is a publicly traded company that operates through Molson Coors North America and Molson Coors Europe and is traded on the New York and Canadian stock exchanges (TAP). The company’s commitment to raising industry standards and positively impacting employees, consumers, communities and the environment is reflected in Our Beer Print and 2025 Sustainability Goals. To learn more about Molson Coors Beverage Company, visit or on Twitter @MolsonCoors


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