Telekom Romania Mobile launches the Buy-Back service, exclusively online


Telekom Romania Mobile launches the Buy-Back service, exclusively online


  • With Buy-Back, all Telekom customers can responsibly dispose of their old phones in exchange of a voucher which can be used to acquire a new handset
  • End-to-end online experience, fast and simple, in just a few steps: evaluate your phone, hand it to the delivery service, receive the discount voucher on your e-mail
  • Telekom Romania Mobile is the only mobile operator in Romania that offers the Buy-Back service exclusively online, end-to-end.

Telekom Romania Mobile introduces the Buy-Back service exclusively online enabling all customers to unlock value from their old phones in exchange of a voucher that can be used to purchase a new handset.

Telekom customers that choose Buy-Back service will enjoy a simple, comfortable, and efficient experience. First step is to fill in the online form on Serviciul Buy Back – Telekom followed by the instant receipt of the offering. Once the offering is being accepted by customer, the old phone will be taken over by a delivery service. As soon as the handset is evaluated, the voucher will be emailed to the customer. For as much as 90 days, the voucher can be used to purchase a handset with subscription from the Telekom’s online shop, when porting in or buying a new subscription, as well as when migrating from prepaid to postpaid services or for subscription renewals.

“Buy-Back service redefines the way we responsibly dispose of the old phones by facilitating the purchase of a new handset while contributing to protecting the environment and reducing electronic waste. Telekom Romania Mobile is the only mobile operator in Romania that offers the Buy-Back service exclusively online end-to-end, thus providing a seamless experience and saving time and important resources for our users”, said Andreea Cramer, Chief Commercial Officer Telekom Romania Mobile.

The list of the program’s eligible handsets is available within the online form. For more details, visit Serviciul Buy Back – Telekom.



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