Sold out in record time. The return to Bucharest of Ron Kaufman, the world’s #1 Customer Experience guru for 7 consecutive years, sold out over 400 tickets in just 3 weeks


Sold out in record time. The return to Bucharest of Ron Kaufman, the world’s #1 Customer Experience guru for 7 consecutive years, sold out over 400 tickets in just 3 weeks


The last few years have created a profoundly transformative context for people, compelling professionals in all industries to navigate an environment marked by instability, where adaptability and the capacity to generate value amidst constant change have emerged as essential drivers of both organizational and personal success. Consequently, there has been a notable surge in interest in events and services offering fresh insights, practical tools, and pertinent solutions for fostering robust organizational cultures and embracing a results-oriented, empathy-driven approach. “Building a Culture of Leaders Who Care”, an event organized by Uplifting Service Romania, in partnership with Rethink Romania, featuring Ron Kaufman, the world’s #1 guru in Customer Experience for seven consecutive years, has rapidly captured the attention of leaders committed to effecting positive change within their communities and organizations. The 450 available seats were sold out in a record time of just three weeks. To this end, the organizers have opened a waiting list and are considering hosting another event on a different day for those who didn’t make it on 19 April but want to attend.

Known for transforming some of the world’s largest organizations, Ron Kaufman is a highly sought-after speaker, bestselling author, and thought leader. He returns for the seventh time in Romania, this time with a topic important to every leader: building communities and organizations with people who care.

The event with Ron Kaufman comes amidst the need to change mindsets to be more adaptable to the current times. Recent years have transformed society and induced the need for purpose and value in the professional context, for work done with passion and synergy in teams, which is why the concept of CAREOLOGY proposes a paradigm shift in the organizational universe, promising more engagement from people and more value created. “Building a Culture of Leaders Who Care” presents a fresh outlook on leadership, offering insights on how to effectively lead businesses, communities, and even nations.

«Buiding a Culture of Leaders Who Care» is a workshop-event on how today’s leaders and future leaders can lead organizations while ensuring authentic well-being for the people they work with. This year, Ron Kaufman comes with a new concept – CAREOLOGY, which stands for empathy, clarity, and inclusion. These elements are pivotal to the success of any business, and Ron will provide each of us with an impeccable guide to leadership and organizational culture. It’s a unique learning opportunity to become a better leader, guiding and nurturing others with the fulfillment and joy of real success: the success of those who care”, says Elena Calin, Managing Partner Uplifting Service Romania and organizer of the event “Building a Culture of Leaders Who Care”.

Elena Calin, Managing Partner Uplifting Service Romania and organizer of the event “Building a Culture of Leaders Who Care”.

“Through his knowledge and actions, Ron Kaufman profoundly impacts lives. I’ve said many times,  Ron is the individual who persuaded me to reconsider everything – from service and organizational culture to my perception of customers. From him, I learned that one has to care about others and everything around to be appreciated and get results. This change in mindset has transformed an entire country – Singapore – into an economic powerhouse and a destination that people around the world dream of. It brings me great joy to see that so many leaders in Romania are now choosing to learn from Ron Kaufman how to enhance their leadership”, says Dragos Anastasiu, President of Rethink Romania, co-organizer of the event “Building a Culture of Leaders Who Care”.   

Dragos Anastasiu, President of Rethink Romania, co-organizer of the event “Building a Culture of Leaders Who Care”

450 leaders from Romania who share the same passion for excellence, care for well-being, and responsibility will meet Ron Kaufman on April 19th at the Marriott Hotel in Bucharest, in a unique event organized in partnership with UP ROMANIA, with the support of AVIS, HILLS DEVELOPMENT, CPI PROPERTY GROUP, PORSCHE FINANCE GROUP, ETURIA TRAVEL, GENERALI and ENAYATI MEDICAL CITY.  More details are available here.

About Uplifting Service Romania

Uplifting Service Romania promotes in Romania the principles of Ron Kaufman, world guru in the development of exceptional services. Uplifting Service Romania aims to improve the quality of local services, both in public institutions and in the local business environment.

About Rethink Romania

Rethink Romania is an association that brings together entrepreneurs and professionals from different fields, to form a community dedicated to transforming Romania into a country we love to live in. Founded in 2019, Rethink’s goal is to improve the quality of public discourse and public policies in the areas of demography, education, and mindset change. Details of this civil initiative can be found here.


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