Meghan Markle just started her own lifestyle company


Meghan Markle just started her own lifestyle company

According to a representative for the duchess who talked to AFP, Meghan Markle, the spouse of Prince Harry, debuted a new lifestyle brand on Thursday that is named after their California home.

Since Thursday, the „American Riviera Orchard” brand has been available on a website and on Instagram.

There had been no announcement on the launch of this brand, the specifics of which remain unknown.

The website solely features the new brand’s handwritten-style logo, but a video on the Instagram account’s story section features Meghan in the kitchen and an individual arranging flowers in a vase.

The description of the Instagram account is straightforward: „by Meghan, The Duchess of Sussex.” Without giving more information, one of her representatives told AFP that the duchess was working on this new initiative.

The successful blog „The Tig,” which the American actress shut down before to marrying the Duke of Sussex, the younger son of King Charles III, is anticipated to be carried on by the new brand.

The royal couple moved to California and declared their intention to leave the family in 2020. They haven’t updated their Instagram account since then.

Harry and Meghan, nevertheless, have not disappeared from the public eye; in an autobiography written by the prince and a Netflix documentary series, they criticize the royal family.


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