At Telekom Romania Mobile, Spring comes with super offerings and prizes for all customers


At Telekom Romania Mobile, Spring comes with super offerings and prizes for all customers


  • Everything unlimited at prepaid cards starting with just 5 Euro credit: internet, calls and SMSs, inclusively N5 extraoption, during the campaign
  • Hero smartphones at advantageous prices with the “Nelimitat” tariff plans
  • Attractive prices for all customers including business users in MyAccount app

Telekom Romania Mobile launches, on March 1st, the Spring promotional offering which brings attractive benefits to all categories of customers.

The prepaid users benefit from unlimited internet, calls and national SMSs with only 5 Euro credit, during campaign period, all Telekom’s portfolio is now unlimited.

to fully enjoy all the communication perks, inclusively for N5 extraoption, during the campaign.

New and existing Telekom subscribers can choose, not only when porting in, from a wide range of handsets among which the new 5G Samsung Galaxy A25 and Redmi Note 13, at a monthly instalment of 5 Euro, together with the Nelimitat 15 tariff plan contracted for 24 months.

Business customers can also purchase personalised communications solutions and latest generation smartphones, such as the new Samsung Galaxy S24, included in the package with no downpayment, together with the Business Global 55 tariff plan contracted for 24 months.

In addition, the promotion brings attractive weekly prizes to all Telekom customers who use the MyAccount app: Samsung Galaxy S23 and iPhone 14 handsets, smartwatches, loudspeakers, vouchers of 100 and 500 lei with Telekom’s partners or one month access to VOYO.

Business customers may also win weekly prizes in MyAccount app such as: iPhone 14 handsets, loudspeakers, headphones, vouchers of 100 and 500 lei with Telekom’s partners or one month access to VOYO.

The promotional offering is available from March 1st to April 23, 2024. For more details, visit


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