7card announces „Prima Sută”, a project that helps companies create well-being programmes for employees and benefit from tax deductions


7card announces „Prima Sută”, a project that helps companies create well-being programmes for employees and benefit from tax deductions


7card, the leader of the corporate well-being sector in Romania, announces the „Prima Sută” program, which aims to support companies in creating programs dedicated to employee well-being.

With this project, 7card encourages the use of the tax facility, according to which, in 2024, employers’ expenditure on benefits offered to employees for access to sports and fitness facilities, up to 100 euros/employee/year, is tax-free.

„There has been a lot of talk about this tax facility and the amount companies can deduct, with many voices expressing dissatisfaction with the lowering of the cap from €400 to €100. What we are proposing with this draft is a change of perspective: We still have a ceiling of 100 euros (in 2022 the ceiling was 0), so let’s use it! Our role, as industry leaders, is to show companies how they can maximise these amounts to create truly value-generating programmes, both for them and for their employees,” said Dan Moraru, 7card Country Lead.

In this context, 7card assumes the role of a partner with whom organisations can implement comprehensive well-being programmes for employees that take into account their needs and priorities as well as available budgets.

The „Prima Sută” programme contains concrete steps and actions that fully support companies’ challenges, through expertise or resources that employers lack. 7card thus proposes a strategic set of tools that complement this €100 deductible budget and maximise its impact. The project brings with it a dedicated implementation team, consultancy in managing the investment budget and over 100 personalised packages of employee freebies, access to digital apps and fitness rooms, and programmes to encourage employee wellbeing. This provides companies with a proven approach that generates a return on investment and turns such initiatives into real examples of best practices at the internal policy level.

„All employees, in all fields, need a real commitment from their employers, consistently, to make it easier for them to maintain work-life balance. This is where 7card comes in, because, through an integrated approach, we can support employers to keep their promise and offer employees a complete package: resources for learning and motivation, constant support in the process, access to sports and wellness centres and activities” – adds Dan Moraru Country Lead 7card.

Dan Moraru Country Lead 7card.

The Prima Sută programme is designed to accommodate all the concerns of HR departments, and more details can be found at https://7card.ro/primasuta/.

About 7card

7card is the only complete well-being solution in Romania for companies and their employees. A service that provides access to the widest variety of relaxation and sports activities available in the 7card app and helps companies play a significant role in ensuring the well-being of their employees through their corporate wellbeing programme.

Through the 7card app, employees have access to over 530 fitness centres, yoga, pilates, swimming pools, dance and climbing studios, plus 30 other activities. 7card users also have access to wellbeing programmes offering counselling, nutrition programmes, mindfulness, and wellbeing education that can be continued during their breaks from fitness activity to support their wellbeing journey.

With over 12 years in business, 7card supports over 250,000 employees in over 1,500 companies in 57 cities across Romania, in all industries and of all sizes, to build their ideal well-being programme.

In January 2022, 7card was acquired by Gympass, the #1 global operator in corporate wellbeing services, with operations in 11 countries in North and Central America, South America and Europe.

Read more: https://7card.ro/ și https://gympass.com/en-us/

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