Telekom Romania Mobile in Q4 2023: total revenues of EUR 77.5 million and an increase in Post paid subscriber base of 3.3% year-on-year


Telekom Romania Mobile in Q4 2023: total revenues of EUR 77.5 million and an increase in Post paid subscriber base of 3.3% year-on-year


  • At the end of 2023, the number of Post paid subscribers grew by 3,3% as compared to the previous year.
  • The revenues for the year 2023 reached EUR 286.9 million, while in Q4 2023 revenues increased by 6.2%, compared to Q4 2022.
  • Annual EBITDA Adj. AL at €17.0 million (Q4 €4.1million).

Telekom Romania Mobile recorded 1.92 million postpaid subscribers at the end of the fourth quarter of 2023, up 3.3% from the same period last year maintaining the growth for 4 consecutive years while establishing the base for future revenue improvement. In the same period, the total customer base stood at 3.8 million subscribers due to a reduction in prepaid subscribers’ base.

As of 31 December 2023, Telekom Romania Mobile recorded total revenues of EUR 77.5 million, increased by 6.2%, compared to the same period in 2022, mainly due to once off impact from the finalisation of the ICT projects (which will decline in the forthcoming period due to the discontinuation of the involvement in this business). YoY, Telekom Romania Mobile’s revenues reached EUR 287 million which represents a 6.4% drop as compared to previous year mainly due to lower Interconnection revenues (MTR cut by -50%) and discontinuation of MVNO business.

In Q4 2023, Adjusted EBITDA (AL) stood at  EUR 4.1 million, further impacted by higher energy costs. However, Q evolution of 2024 remains up to EUR 4.0 million. At annual level, FY 2023 at EUR 17.0 million lower vs PY mainly due to higher energy costs, the discontinuation of MVNO and the effect of certain customer-retention activities.

Telekom Romania Mobile remains committed to investing with the aim of continuously offering improved customer experience and  services to its subscribers.

„2023 was a year full of challenges but also opportunities. We stayed true to our commitment to our Romanian customers, offering them top notch mobile services and enhanced positive experience, through a quality network. We are happy to see that our Net Promoter Score – which is an indicator of customer loyalty and satisfaction – grew by 21% year on year. This encourages us to continue our strategic direction, providing excellent customer service and quality services, tailored to customers’ personal and business needs”, stated Charalampos Mazarakis, Chief Executive Officer, Telekom Romania Mobile.

In 2023, Telekom Romania Mobile launched 5G services and continued to expand the 5G network coverage nationwide. Currently, users from 13 cities – București (including Otopeni), Arad, Brașov (including Poiana Brașov), Sibiu, Cluj-Napoca, Timișoara, Iași, Constanța (including Mamaia), Ploiești, Craiova, Pitești, Oradea si Râmnicu-Vâlcea – have access to the benefits of this technology: high download speed, stable connection, even in crowded areas, low latency and optimized battery usage.

In addition, the company continues to focus on improving the digital experience provided to its customers. Telekom Romania Mobile is the first mobile operator in Romania who integrated Google Pay and Apple Pay in its mobile application MyAccount, thus facilitating the customer access to a variety of digital payment options.


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