OVES Enterprise Expands Drone Production and Invests 100,000 Euros in a New Small-Sized Drone Manufacturing Line


OVES Enterprise Expands Drone Production and Invests 100,000 Euros in a New Small-Sized Drone Manufacturing Line


  • OVES Enterprise produces 10 models of drones of various sizes, ensuring the R&D process for both hardware and software involved in product development
  • In 2024, the company has allocated an investment budget of 2.5 million euros for the development of its own products and the continuation of international expansion

OVES Enterprise, a software development company and drone manufacturer, is expanding its drone production and investing 100,000 euros in a new line dedicated to manufacturing small-sized drones equipped with Artificial Intelligence, capable of operating in larger groups (swarms) and coordinated through centralized control systems.

The capabilities of the new drones developed by OVES Enterprise meet the evolving dynamics of modern armed conflicts, which require very high-efficiency solutions, yet cheaper, and that can easily carry out important missions.

Currently, the new production line serves a single drone model, Ajeet, designed to operate in groups. However, Ajeet can also function individually for various tasks, mainly involving surveillance and loitering.

The new drone produced by OVES Enterprise is intended for private companies in the defense sector, which have ongoing contracts and commitments to governmental organizations involved in multiple operations, as well as governments / militaries from different regions of the world.

„Advancing in all these discussions about drones, while maintaining a close connection with our partners in conflict zones, we realized that we need to build a drone model that can carry out important missions and, at the same time, use <<swarming>> technology. In the near future, in theaters of operations, we will find swarms of drones carrying out complex missions. An intelligent way of fighting is to use small-sized drones, whose costs are in the order of hundreds of dollars, to neutralize, for example, tanks worth several million dollars”, says Mihai Filip, CEO of OVES Enterprise, noting that, although small in size, the Ajeet drones comply with all current standards, such as the BMS (Battery Management System – mandatory from this year) or the fact that each drone must have a transponder so that it can be precisely located at any moment.

Mihai Filip, CEO of OVES Enterprise

In addition to the hardware solution, OVES Enterprise also provides the software part of the drone and has successfully integrated AI, which helps in connecting the drones, transmitting information from one drone to another, and operating as a whole.

The new drones can interpret information, make autonomous decisions during flight, and adapt the way they fly. For example, if they detect threats during missions, they can decide to fly all very low and grouped or very spread out, depending on the nature of the threats.

„Our only limitation, when it comes to AI, is the hardware with which the drone is equipped. Even though we have created this successful model, our work does not stop here. We continue to train the AI for even more complex tasks, such as autonomously identifying military equipment or carrying out autonomous missions from one end to the other. In this case, where the flight takes place 100% autonomously, our drones can no longer be jammed”, adds Mihai Filip.

OVES Enterprise is currently developing 10 models of drones, of different sizes, both with rotors and fixed wings. All products are financed from own funds, OVES Enterprise also ensuring the research and development part, both for hardware and software, with a focus on innovation and identifying new ways to use drones.

For this year, the company maintains the investment pace and announces a budget of 2.5 million euros for the development of its own products and for continuing the process of international expansion, with a focus on areas such as Software as a Service, Space and Defense, and Cybersecurity.

About OVES Enterprise

OVES Enterprise is a Romanian software development and drone manufacturing company, established in 2015 in Cluj-Napoca. Starting 2019, OVES’s strategy included offering more complex software development services for projects in the automotive, eCommerce, fintech, telecom, international governmental institutions, etc., becoming a technological partner for complex and technologically sophisticated projects. Last year, OVES Enterprise expanded its activity with a new business line focused on drone production. Currently, more than half of the company’s turnover is generated by projects outside Romania, integrating new technologies from the realm of artificial intelligence and big data. OVES Enterprise currently has over 200 employees and offices in Romania, Germany, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, the USA, and Norway.


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