The Governor of the National Bank of Moldova, Anca Dragu, was introduced to the team


The Governor of the National Bank of Moldova, Anca Dragu, was introduced to the team


The new Governor of the National Bank of Moldova (NBM), Anca Dragu, was introduced to the central bank team by the President of the Parliament, Igor Grosu.

The head of the Government noted that Anca Dragu has significant experience in the financial and banking sector, public policy, and accession to the European Union, which will contribute to Moldova’s progress on the European path. In this context, 2024 will be an important year and will require the full involvement of all the institutions, stressed Igor Grosu.

“The National Bank will play an important role in this process, as it is an institution that has managed to build and strengthen a good capacity of expertise that will be useful for other government institutions and for Parliament. I also see the NBM as a pole where we can attract expertise both from outside and from within. You have the full support of the legislature. We have high expectations because we want a strong, resilient bank that contributes to and participates in the economic and financial development of the country”, said the Speaker of the Parliament.

The official expressed his confidence that Anca Dragu will build an independent and integral National Bank of Moldova.

The new Governor, for her part, mentioned that she wishes together with the NBM team to achieve the objectives related to the independence of the bank, professionalism, and achievements in the European integration process.

“It is an honour for me to be here. I have heard a lot of positive things about the NBM team. This means that you are serious, professional and have always delivered the programmes you have been involved in. This information makes the future sound good, and I am confident that together we will be able to achieve the goals we have set for ourselves. Thank you for your warm welcome, and I assure you that you have my full respect and appreciation”, said Anca Dragu, who took up her duties as Governor of the NBM on 22 December 2023.

The Governor of the National Bank of Moldova has a seven-year mandate.


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