Alpha Bank Romania provides 100% online consumer loans


Alpha Bank Romania provides 100% online consumer loans


Alpha Bank Romania announces the launch of a fully online process for granting consumer loans. Alpha Rapid loan is now giving customers the possibility to access financing for personal needs quickly and conveniently, 100% online, in about 30 minutes, any time of the day and any day of the week.

Taking out an Alpha Rapid consumer loan becomes quick and easy. Customers can apply anytime, completely online, without engaging in a video call with a human operator. All they need to do is head over to the banks’ website at from any device that has a camera and Internet connection.

The procedure is very easy and friendly, requiring only the ID card for online identification and collection of necessary data. At the end of this automated loan granting process, customers will have the money transferred straight into their current account, while the loan agreement, digitally signed by both the customer and the bank, will be received by email.

This new initiative reflects our ongoing commitment to come with innovative and convenient solutions for our customers. We are redefining the experience of getting a loan, removing time and space barriers, providing maximum flexibility. Alpha Rapid 100% online is intended for both existing customers and, unlike other products currently on the market, new customers in particular who want to start their relationship with Alpha Bank Romania,” said Maria Bogodai, Private Individuals Banking Division Manager at Alpha Bank Romania.

Main features of Alpha Rapid consumer loan:

  • 100% online, no video call required;
  • Accessibility from any device with a camera and Internet connection;
  • Swift approval and availability of funds;
  • Maximum amount – up to RON 49,000;
  • Loan period – up to 5 years;
  • Available with both fixed and variable interest rates
  • No loan application fee.

Alpha Bank Romania remains at the disposal of its customers, offering innovative financial solutions to meet the various needs of the community. To find out more about how to get the Alpha Rapid consumer loan 100% online, please visit

About Alpha Bank Romania

Alpha Bank Romania is a member of Alpha Bank Group, one of the largest banking and financial groups in Greece. The Group’s international activities extend, besides Romania, to the UK, Luxembourg, and Cyprus as well.

Alpha Bank Romania is one of the top 10 banks in the country with universal banking operations. Being a systemic bank, with more than 27 years of national presence, Alpha Bank Romania provides a wide range of modern services and products for both individuals and SMEs and the corporate segment.

Alpha Bank Romania is one of the financial institutions that has innovated the Romanian banking sector, being the first bank to launch on the local market an application using a mobile android device as a POS terminal. Moreover, in 2019 the bank made the first issue of mortgage bonds in Romania, after being the first bank to offer housing loans in 2001.


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