Regency Front invests 6 million euros in a new furniture production line


Regency Front invests 6 million euros in a new furniture production line


  • The company aims for a turnover of 10 million euros by 2025

Regency Front, one of the largest manufacturers of MDF fronts, has invested 6 million euros in a new line dedicated to painted doors, with last generation technology and equipment. Production capacity reaches 700 m2/exchange and also integrates, at the same time, the largest lacquer line in Romania and fully automated edge sanding or primer application machines. The final products are dedicated to both B2B customers and end consumers.

„The self-financing investment of 6 million euros allowed us to develop the most technological front production line in Romania. Thus, we manage to complete the range of products that makes available to our customers both laminated and painted MDF doors, according to their needs and preferences. Lately we saw a rising interest from our customers for interior design in general and furniture pieces in particular. We are constantly up to date with international trends and we are happy to offer Romanians a varied range of products, but also a vast palette of colors”, said Dani Shawu, CEO of Regency Front.

Dani Shawu, CEO of Regency Front

The company estimates that the new front line will be operating by the end of 2023 and will perfectly complete the already existing laminated MDF line.

At the same time, Regency Front aims for a turnover of 10 million euros by 2025, in a furniture market characterized on the one hand by rising inflation and increases in production costs, and on the other by increasingly high online sales.

  • The furniture market is being redefined

The growth of digital commerce is also making its mark on the furniture industry. Although most of the orders continue to be generated by physical stores, there is an upward trend in online purchases, according to Regency network dealer data.

At the same time, despite the current unstable economic context, investments in furniture pieces continue to be high. In addition, according to the company, the market is much more mature and consumers know exactly what they want.

„The local market is evolving in terms of consumer behavior – the proposals no longer come exclusively from the furniture producer to customer, but also vice versa. Whether they just want to change the doors of an existing piece of furniture or they need the furniture from scratch, customers show a high involvement in choosing the models and decors they want, especially since the possibilities of choice have increased. Today, there is a wider range of varied models and types of different textures: plain, structured-striated, high gloss, supermatte, texture or wood decors. In addition, through the new Bespoke collection we offer customers a series of new models on the Romanian market, but also the possibility for them to put their personal mark, by coming with sketches of the models they want”, explains Alina Enache , Regency Front Marketing Manager.

90% of the company’s customers are furniture manufacturers, large or small. Regency Front products are also recommended by interior architects or designers to end customers for projects from scratch or just for changing furniture doors.

Launched in 2018, as part of the Regency Company group, the company had a turnover of approximately 6.4 million ron in 2022.

This year, the company also went through a rebranding process, determined by its recent dynamic evolution, and together with one of the legends of Romanian football, Adrian Mutu, launched its new product catalogue.

About Regency Front 

Regency Front, established in 2018, is part of the Regency Company group, a company with over 20 years of experience in the furniture industry. Regency Front products addressed to the customers who are looking for a different design experience and want to bring furniture out of usual, both through milling patterns and decors. The company produces furniture fronts of several types, such as: doors, drawers, jolly baskets, cut-out or cut-out with a divider, with varied design styles, from the simplest to Bespoke or customized models. The products are sold nationally through a network of distributors, outlet stores or furniture manufacturers. The company has a team that currently counts more than 30 employees, from engineers and architects to marketing and sales teams or environmental specialists.


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