Nestlé’s recipe for the most delicate market


Nestlé’s recipe for the most delicate market


Nestlé Romania, the largest food and beverage company in the world, announces the launch in early 2024 of a cutting-edge innovation based on the expertise of over 155 years of scientific research in infant and young child nutrition, a combination patented oligosaccharides structurally identical to those in breast milk (HMO) and probiotics.

Nestlé has developed SINERGITY™, a unique mix that combines 2 probiotics with 6 HMOs (oligosaccharides structurally identical to those in the breast milk) to support the harmonious development and healthy growth of the little ones.

“The first years of life are crucial for the child’s growth and development, and the eating habits acquired during this period will influence him for the rest of his life. The foundation created during this period supports strong health throughout adulthood”, says Mihaela Bușu, Business Executive Officer, Nestlé Nutrition Southeast Europe.

Mihaela Busu, BEO Infant Nutrition

Studies show that breast milk is the ideal nutrition, and the oligosaccharides (called HMOs) found in abundance in breast milk play an important role in building this solid foundation. Specialists in infant nutrition recommend breastfeeding as the only source of food until the age of 6 months and the continuation of natural nutrition for as long as possible and after the start of diversification.

“For over 155 years, Nestlé has been intensively dedicated to scientific research, being a leader in investments made in research and development and a pioneer in the field of innovation and studying the composition of various nutrients, including the oligosaccharides present in breast milk, such as HMO. Nestlé also has extensive expertise in probiotics and studies their role in nutrition and health. There are many ongoing studies aimed at understanding the synergies between probiotics and oligosaccharides in breast milk to be able to develop advanced nutritional solutions for infants who cannot be breastfed”, explains Mihaela Bușu, Business Executive Officer, Nestlé Nutrition Southeast Europe.

Distribution of new products with this patented SYNERGITY compound will begin in Europe, including Romania, in early 2024.

Our concern for a balanced future of children has helped us to create a diverse range of products that meet the nutritional needs of babies from the first months of life.

Our products are made from carefully selected ingredients, following high quality standards, much stricter compared to adult nutrition, ensuring adequate nutrition for every age stage.

The Nestlé portfolio for children’s nutrition consists of more than 65 products dedicated to a market segment that includes more than half a million young consumers.

About Nestlé 

The Nestlé group has been present in Romania since 1996, among the brands in its portfolio are NESCAFÉ, NESQUIK, Chocapic, KitKat®, Lion, JOE®, After Eight, MAGGI®, Purina, NAN®, GERBER®, Nespresso, Optifibre, etc. In Romania, Nestlé also got involved in ecological and social responsibility initiatives. In the last 3 years, the company has planted 75,000 trees, which will contribute to achieving the goal of zero net carbon emissions by 2050.

Nestlé global initiatives: 

In 2017, Nestlé took several steps to accelerate progress towards the 2030 goals, as part of actions to improve the quality of life and contribute to a better future. Among them are the consolidation of the „Nestlé for Healthier Kids” program, the expansion of the „Nestlé needs YOUth” initiative and the development of sustainable environmental performance management activities. Nestlé maintains its position as a global leader in the food and beverage industry through its portfolio of healthy products accessible to consumers. The Access To Nutrition Initiative (ATNI) Global Index assesses the world’s 25 largest food producers, focusing on their nutrition policies, practices and performance. Nestlé’s top position is recognition of its ongoing commitment to nutrition and health, as well as its commitment to help address the global challenges of obesity and undernutrition.  

Nestlé for Healthier Kids  

The „Nestlé for Healthier Kids” program was created to unite all Nestlé efforts that support parents and guardians to raise healthier children, from research activities and product formulation to innovative education and nutrition services for a healthy lifestyle. In Romania, these efforts are found under the umbrella of the program „And I live healthy – SETS”, initiated by the PRAIS Foundation, as well as „Traista cu Sănătate” under the guidance of the Healthy Traditions Foundation. The NutriPortion and VeggiePortion educational tools, as well as the Nestlé for Healthier Kids recipe book, are part of the company’s educational portfolio.

Nestlé needs YOUth 

Nestlé’s ambition for the global youth initiative „Nestlé needs YOUth” is to help 10 million young people around the world gain access to career opportunities by 2030. This global initiative combines and coordinates all activities that support young people around world, including the efforts of the Alliance for YOUth.  

Nestlé for a Waste Free World 

Nestlé wants its products to be not only tastier and healthier, but also better for the environment. Nestlé’s ambition for 2030 is zero impact on the environment, focusing its efforts on reducing carbon dioxide emissions, biodiversity, and packaging management.


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