A first for Romania: The Ministry of Investments and European Projects (MIEP) has used Tailent RPA robots to assess the 7,188 funding applications submitted by SMEs, automating the largest digitization project within the NRRP


A first for Romania: The Ministry of Investments and European Projects (MIEP) has used Tailent RPA robots to assess the 7,188 funding applications submitted by SMEs, automating the largest digitization project within the NRRP


Tailent, a Romanian RPA technology company, provided the Ministry of Investments and European Projects (MIEP) with the solution for automating the operations of the call “Digitalization of SMEs Grant of up to 100,000 euro for the adoption of digital technologies” within the NRRP. Tailent Automation Platform, implemented by ETA2U – one of Romania’s leading integrators of IT solutions and services, optimized the processes needed to manage the 7,188 applications submitted for funding efficiently.

Tailent robots, implemented for the first time in Romania at this level by a central public institution, have automated key operations for the management of the call, helping MIEP to speed up the technical and financial evaluation stage. The program run by MIEP was created to support SMEs in adopting digital technologies, providing european funding of up to 100,000 euro for each company selected according to the criteria.

“MIEP wants to set an example in the digitalization of internal operations and services offered to the population, being among the first central public institutions to use innovative RPA technology. Thus, we want to be an example not only for the beneficiaries of the project, but also for all Romanian companies and public institutions, to let them know that digital transformation is not only possible, but also supported for the sustainable development of the national economy”, said Adrian Caciu, Minister of Investments and European Projects.

Tailent Technology and ETA2U’s involvement contributed significantly to the success of the project, through constant support and effective collaboration with the ministry teams throughout the project. Tailent robots took over repetitive and time-consuming tasks, thus helping the project managers in MIEP to better focus on the relationship with beneficiaries.

“For Romania, this is an important milestone, a clear signal from the central public administration that the focus on the digitalization of Romania is an extremely important, assumed and sustained mission. It is encouraging that the use of RPA technology is taking place for the first time in a project that supports Romanian SMEs on their way to digitalization”, said Mario Popescu, Co-Founder and CEO, Tailent.

Tailent robots had tasks such as managing projects, validating and processing files, opening communication channels with beneficiaries, organizing and processing documents, preparing, and supporting contracting activities. Moreover, the software robots have complemented human activity by using a digital environment, providing interconnection and interoperability between key public institutions such as NAFA, the Ministry of Finance, and the National Trade Register Office (NTRO), based on MIEP’s inter-institutional protocol.

“An effective national digitalization strategy requires a clear, long-term vision. Our mission at Tailent is precisely to support businesses and public institutions in their digitalization efforts by providing efficient and affordable technology. The need for digitalization remains strong, the signals confirm that we are moving in the right direction and that leaders in both the public and private sector are setting the tone for digital transformation using innovative technology solutions. Through this project we have demonstrated that RPA facilitates access to automation for several actors and Tailent’s solutions can support large-scale projects that contribute to the digitalization of Romania”, said Mario Popescu.

Tailent’s global strategy remains to democratize access to automation technologies for organizations worldwide. In recent years, Tailent has entered into several important strategic partnerships with leading solution and service providers such as Gambit Digital, Crayon, Encorsa, Wolters Kluwer, Visa, Aliant, Recycle International, ETA2U, Serviceaide, htss, RBC, ASEE, as part of a rapid process of global expansion.


About Tailent

Tailent is a Romanian start-up focused on developing innovative automation technologies such as Robotic Process Automation (RPA) that change the way people work, do business and help companies achieve their automation goals. Tailent offers an alternative that is closer to customers’ expectations, faster and more convenient through the Tailent Automation Platform (TAP) solution.


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