Exim Banca Românească launches contactless payments with the phone through Google Pay


Exim Banca Românească launches contactless payments with the phone through Google Pay


Exim Banca Românească introduces in its portfolio the Google Pay service, offering the cardholder bank customers the possibility to make fast and secure contactless payments at the POS terminals, directly with the Android phone, through the Google Wallet application, without the need for the physical presence of the card.

„Exim Banca Românească has entered this year a new stage of development and modernization, prioritizing the projects in the area of digitization both for expanding alternative channels of customer interaction and for optimizing and automating certain processes in order to increase customer satisfaction and employee productivity. By launching Google Pay, we are taking another step to bring new benefits to consumers and to respond to the growing appetite for payments made through mobile terminals – phones or smartwatches”, said Traian Halalai, Executive President of Exim Banca Românească.

Google Pay is available free of charge for the clients with cards issued by Exim Banca Românească, who use NFC technology – enabled on Android mobile devices, including smartwatches compatible with Google Pay.

To activate the service, it is necessary to install the Google Pay application, then the desired card is added to the digital wallet. For using Google Pay and paying at merchants, the user will unlock the phone and by simply approaching it to the POS terminal the transaction will be made simply and safely, the confirmation being received instantly on the application. The transaction limits through Google Pay are identical to those applicable to the physical card, and users have the possibility to enroll multiple cards.

Exim Banca Românească is a 100% Romanian universal bank, ranked in top 10 largest credit  institutions by assets.

The bank offers its clients, individuals and corporate, a wide range of quality products and services, adapted to their needs. Exim Banca Românească operates a national distribution network of 83 branches and 26 Corporate Units, the latter being dedicated exclusively to companies, a network that allows it to be close to retail and corporate customers and to implement various Romanian and European development programs. In addition, because it acts as an agent of the state on the guarantee and insurance market, Exim Banca Românească is one of the instruments through which the public funds, made available by the Romanian state, support the sustainable development of the economy. For more details: www.eximbank.ro


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